Home Forums Bike Forum What’s the longest you’ve managed on a Turbo Trainer?

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  • What’s the longest you’ve managed on a Turbo Trainer?
  • Jase
    Free Member

    Looks like its going to start to get very cold and the icy roads will return so thinking about how I can replicate 3+ hr road rides without actually going out on the road. Will probably go out on the mtb but was also thinking about the turbo trainer.

    Has anyone managed a long turbo training session without going stir crazy?

    Free Member

    45 mins before total i get totally sick!

    Free Member

    Not for years

    Can still do an hour plus easily enough but I am too old to GAS these days and am managing my decline into middle age rather than proper training

    Full Member

    Has anyone managed a long turbo training session without going stir crazy?

    No ,so I switched to rollers.
    More interesting ,but still don’t do more than an hour.

    Free Member

    Did a couple of 3 hour sessions when I first got my I-Magic and novelty hadn’t worn off!

    Free Member

    Think I did 3 hours on the spin bike once, but you need something to watch to last anywhere near that long.

    When I had a turbo in the garage and just music as a distraction, time would pass at 1/3 speed an hour was about the most I ever managed.

    Free Member

    Just over 2 hours.
    There is no need though.

    What are your goals OP?

    Full Member

    Between 30-60 mins but I need something interesting to watch/listen to if it’s over the 30 minute mark.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I guess I would need a film or something.

    barrykellett – goal is long summer rides/sportives so am building up distance/time over coming months and am panicking about missing some weeks due to weather.

    Full Member

    Recently 1.5 hours as I’m following an online plan that will take me up to the clocks changing. I struggle with anything over 60 minutes due to tedium and a numb bum.

    Free Member

    7 episodes of the West Wing, (season 2)

    Free Member

    An hour, any more if I’m actually training & I tend to fall off or start to vomit anyway.

    Full Member

    didn’t one of the ’round the world’ blokes used do 12hr stints on a turbo staring at a brick wall either as ‘training for riding for a long time’ or ‘because he could’?

    Free Member

    2hrs watching the cricket9 reckoned I did about 30km downhill..

    Free Member

    30 mins and I’m on suicide watch. Somethings better than nothing I tell myself, although I do cycle to work and back everyday too ( 4 miles :roll:)

    Free Member

    Usually 45 minutes.

    I set it up this morning for Mrs Gti, currently unemployed, to try. At about 11:00 she sent me a BBM saying: “God, turbos are boring!” I had to explain that the spinning fan interferes with the local space-time continuum and actually stretches each minute into two.

    Free Member

    I use one of the sufferfest videos, it’s 45 minutes long – I think if I went any longer my heart and legs would divorce my body.

    Free Member

    Regular did 3hr z2 training last winter. Watching movies helps.

    Free Member

    However long the longest sufferfest is, 85 mins?
    Get bored unless using one with a ‘program’ and beasting it. :wink:

    Free Member

    The length of “Toxicity” whih I find brilliant for spinning to.

    Need to get a Sufferfest video or two.

    Free Member

    A couple hours or so on my RealAxiom – not hard to be motivated doing that. A mate did about 5 hours on his RealAxiom doing the entire NY sportive that came out recently – 110 miles! He took a while to recover from that.

    Free Member

    I can do 2 1/2 hours easily, i do that once a month in winter, thats 1 & 3/4 ascents of mont ventoux (on the fortius)

    Obviously with the fortius you have the option to race yourself or others this always takes my eyes off the clock and to what others are doing.

    Normally Ill do 1 & 1/2 hours on the german and spanish mtb course, racing against various mes…

    Free Member

    100mins doing the old skool Peter Read session, 40min@70% 30min@80% 20min@90% 10min w/down as hardf as most 3hr rides id guess

    Full Member

    Spinning bike in garage, TV and DVD player with a selection of movies/TV shows. Couple of hours tops.

    Depending how noisy your turbo is you might not be able to hear the TV though.

    Full Member

    I do 15 minutes a day. It keeps me under 12 stone.
    Even that bores me.

    Full Member

    An hour of Sufferfest is normally enough for me, although I did climb off with cramp after 40 minutes last night.

    3 hours of base miles sounds tedious…

    Free Member

    3hrs with Coach Troy and the ‘Tough Love’ spinerval DVD.

    Free Member

    I do 90 mins at the moment. Usually intervals so reckon it’s the equivalent of a decent ride. Have the trainer in front of a telly hooked up to a computer so usually have a bunch of things downloaded from iplayer to watch. Use TrainerRoad so don’t even really need to think about the intervals i’m doing, just make sure my power and cadence are matching the targets. Find it goes pretty quickly and numbing nether regions is usually the limiting factor.

    Free Member

    I’ve never used one.

    That any help?


    Free Member

    OK so sounds possible, will give it a go if needed with laptop set up and see if I come out the other side.

    Free Member

    I’ve been using the Sufferfest’s 45min veriety and 60 min variety. To be honest I dont mind either, but I certainly dont think I could do longer. Certainly couldnt do that length of time without some thing to look at.

    Has there not also been lots of stuff written about turbos and that there is no point training > 1hr, as you can replicate it all in < 1hr?

    Full Member

    Bunch of lightweights. I’ve done 4 hours on several occasions, watching a couple of films and a few shorter things (like the Simpsons) to break it up.

    I was training for a 12 hour solo and the roads were too dangerous to risk.

    Free Member

    I do an hour on the spinner every day, unless I’m out on my actual bike, in which case I don’t bother. Got it set up in front of the TV, so just stick something on to take my mind off what would otherwise be an extremely tedious process. And I find 60 mins is plenty – if you’re not exhausted at the end then just turn up the resistance or go harder.

    Free Member

    did 10 hours once.

    was for charity.

    others in the work were doing it as a 5 man relay – i stupidly said something along the lines of “are you all a bit poofy or something” – had to justify it after that.

    wasnt to bad as always had someone to chat too and we were all only doing steady effort.

    i havnt even set up the turbo trainer at home – bought some winter marathons and stuck them on my cross bike, id rather do 3 hours in the cold than 20 minutes on turbo.

    Free Member

    I’ve done 4 hours on several occasions

    I dream of the days where I have nothing better to do in life than sit on a turbo for 4 hours 8O

    Free Member

    turbo in front room. Find suitable tv program(s) spin and view 3 hours is max though. Mainly z2. Interval 45 – 60 mins using cd

    Full Member

    didn’t one of the ’round the world’ blokes used do 12hr stints on a turbo staring at a brick wall either as ‘training for riding for a long time’ or ‘because he could’?

    John Stamstad was meant to have done 8hr sessions in front of a wall in prep for the Iditabike, so many nutty rumours about that guy that I’m not sure if it’s true though.

    45-50 mins at a high intensity is the most I ever managed. At a lower level I’d fall asleep ) My turbo has a layer of dust on it now, I’d rather ride in the rain. Gym bike in a hotel occasionally if needs must.

    Free Member

    1 hr 30 tops using videos, couple of blasts from the past, one guy used to record the stages of the TDF off Eurosport then ride the stage with them on the turbo even to the point of changing up and down as the terrain changed!!! another lad thought nothing of sitting on the bike at the gym for 4 hours with a book training for a 12 hr while everyone else had to wait for the other bikes, staff had a word ” ive paid my money im not using anything else” , was very selfish committed type of guy, not something i would condone.

    Free Member

    Ive done about 2 1/2 – 3 hrs using Sufferfest when I had to do some mixed-zone training & it was just too crappy to go out..

    It was ok…but I was bloody glad when the weather improved & I could go outside again!

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