Home Forums Chat Forum We've recalculated your bill. That'll be an extra 2.1 billion please

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  • We've recalculated your bill. That'll be an extra 2.1 billion please
  • binners
    Full Member

    Got to love those keraaaaazy yurpeans and their dodgy maths, and perfect timing :lol:


    Free Member

    Lets hit them with a bill on the run up to Christmas.

    Hello – independence from Europe.

    Full Member

    Timed with almost comedy perfection…

    Free Member

    The first thing I thought was that this was going to play straight in to his hands. Manna from heaven for Farage.

    Free Member

    It’s as if they want the UK to leave….. :)

    Full Member

    The first thing I thought was that this was going to play straight in to his hands. Manna from heaven for Farage.

    yep – he must think Christmas has come early!

    Free Member

    I don’t reallt have much of an opinion about Europe most of the time, there are decent arguments on both sides.

    However this takes the biscuit – I would tell them to get lost. What are they going to do if we don’t pay anyway? They probably can’t afford to have us leave so this seems crazy.

    France and Germany are getting rebates. Would our politicians be making such a fuss if the EU had calculated we would get a rebate?

    Free Member

    We’re not though are we :)

    Full Member

    I wonder how Daves feeling about Rochester and Strood by-election now? Wonder if the bookies odds have just changed, at all? And I wonder what Nige will be putting on all his leaflets? The ones already on the way to the printers. You couldn’t make it up.

    Free Member

    To balance it out…

    How much trade have we gained in that time without import/export tariffs that without being part of the EU we would not have?

    Free Member

    The day after the head of the NHS says we need £8billion extra (IIRC) over the next few years this demand for a quarter of that before the end of the year comes in.

    Full Member

    The day after the head of the NHS says we need £8billion extra (IIRC) over the next few years this demand for a quarter of that before the end of the year comes in.

    Now Dave knows how the rest of us feel when HMRC starts weaving its unexpected magic.

    Free Member

    Maybe they found out about this?


    Does stink of something that SSE or NPOWER would do.

    Full Member

    However this takes the biscuit – I would tell them to get lost. What are they going to do if we don’t pay anyway? They probably can’t afford to have us leave so this seems crazy.

    You do know we agreed to all this when we joined….

    We’re not though are we

    Quite. CMD could try and avoid paying if he can (thats just business), but don’t go acting all outraged and waffle on about “natural justice” like John Redwood just did on the Today program. Bunch of ****ing hypocrites.

    Free Member

    The bankers can pay it off for us.

    Free Member

    Hmm. How is this any different from having to pay more tax when you earn more money?

    Full Member

    It’s alright we’ll put the student loans company in charge of managing the repayment schedule. The European will get so frustrated that they’re bound to give up in the end…

    This is a proper gift to UKIP. I wonder if Dave’s recent posturing over immigration policy got them thinking up ways to bugger about with the tories domestically, this will drive a good number of the swivel eyed further towards Nige…

    Full Member

    The bankers can pay it off for us.

    With our taxes no doubt.

    Perhaps the more prominent EU nations want shot of the UK & are trying their hardest to give Nige all the ammo he needs? ;)

    Full Member

    molgrips – Member
    Hmm. How is this any different from having to pay more tax when you earn more money?

    Its not Mollster. But if HMRC gave you a bell this morning and said ‘we’ve been miscalculating your tax for the last 20 years. Sorry about that. Could you just write us a cheque for £500,000 and we’ll be on our way’

    …. how would you feel? Would you shrug, say ‘fair enough. An honest mistake to make, I’ll get my wallet’. Or would you be calling them a bunch of ****ing incompetent ****s!!!! and wishing them all dead? As you remortgage your house to pay their new bill?

    Hmmmmm…. I wonder….

    Then an oily bloke comes round and says ‘vote for me, and you’ll never have to worry about HMRC ever again! You’ll be shut of them forever. Fancy a pint?’

    Free Member

    Way way down the article:

    further six amending budgets on the table in Brussels, some of which may entail returning funds to Britain, meaning the overall bill could yet be cut.

    Trust this will still be an outrageous disgrace if we end up getting money back

    Full Member

    Apparently it’s based on better than expected UK earnings since 1995. I doubt they can really pull that trick.

    How’s Germanys economy performed over the last 20 odd years? Are they really due a rebate? I think it will get dropped, This is just a shot across the bows for CMD.

    Full Member

    Trust this will still be an outrageous disgrace if we end up getting money back

    … and the chances of that actually happening is?

    Full Member

    Interesting cut-off point. I wonder if we got additional funds sent our way when we were in the proverbial in the early/mid 90s.

    (I know we were getting some sort of spurious rebate throughout that period which we have now surrendered)

    Free Member

    It’s a something out of nothing story. The calculation was based on forecasts. Those forecasts have turned out to be a bit pessimistic and we’ve had far better growth than we said we would therefore we owe more money.

    It really does’t seem much different to me doing my taxes. If I say that I’m going to earn £20,000 over the course of the next year my half yearly tax is going to be based on £10,000. But if I have a better than expected year and actually earn £40,000 then the balancing payment at the end of the year is going to be based on 3 times the half yearly sum. The final payment would look huge in comparison but I’m not actually paying back any more than is owed, the only error is in my forecasting and lack of forward planning. So in that situation I would be at fault.

    Free Member

    How much trade have we gained in that time without import/export tariffs that without being part of the EU we would not have?

    I can’t see the Germans or the French putting up import tariffs on the UK, they export far too much for us to want to engage in such a trade war. If we weren’t in the EU we could stop the tax abuse of Amazon, Google, Facebook, Starbucks and Apple almost overnight.

    Hmm. How is this any different from having to pay more tax when you earn more money?

    its more like being asked for extra tax as your colleagues have missed their targets

    Kunkers has been winding up the rhetoric and now this, a gift to UKIP

    Free Member

    The timing really is bizarre tbh given they say they want us to stay.
    As others note I am not sure how other thriving economies get a rebate

    Then again if we were not drug fuelled pervs we could have got a rebate

    Eurostat arrived at the €2.1bn figure on the basis of new methods of calculating member states’ GNI since 1995, taking account of previously unreported or under-reported black economy elements, such as drug dealing and consumption or the sex industry.

    Free Member

    If we weren’t in the EU we could stop the tax abuse of Amazon, Google, Facebook, Starbucks and Apple almost overnight.


    Please explain.

    Free Member

    I can’t see the Germans or the French putting up import tariffs on the UK, they export far too much for us to want to engage in such a trade war.

    Its the EU and the simple facts are in a trade war they would murder us. its like you having a fight with someone x 5 your own size, you might hurt them but you are never going to win.

    Also lots of companies who take advantage of our ” flexible labour markets*” would leave as they trade mainly in the EU

    * this mean workers have less rights and get paid less than elsewhere in the EU but they spin it as a good thing

    Full Member

    Eurostat arrived at the €2.1bn figure on the basis of new methods of calculating member states’ GNI since 1995, taking account of previously unreported or under-reported black economy elements, such as drug dealing and consumption or the sex industry.

    That’s hilarious. Presumably why the Dutch have got a big bill too.

    How can you possibly quantify that kind of economic activity properly? Or expect government to shell out when much of it is untaxed and untaxable?

    If we weren’t in the EU we could stop the tax abuse of Amazon, Google, Facebook, Starbucks and Apple almost overnight.

    What sort of tax abuse? If you mean the avopidance of paying corporation tax, I think that has very little or nothing to do with being in the EU or not.

    Free Member

    The European Commission has reviewed the economic performance of all member states since 1995, and revised its economic statistics to take greater account of things like income from the black economy.

    The result is that the UK faces by far the largest extra payment. The Netherlands and Italy also have big bills to pay, and even a struggling country like Greece will see its contribution go up.

    In contrast, both Germany and France will get rebates – €1bn for the French.

    Lucky Germany and France, never liked us….

    Full Member

    NB Amazon doesn’t aim to make a gross profit; they plan to re-invest all their net profits in new ventures / expansion as their business model is to target growth rather than profitability.

    Free Member

    I would tell them to get lost. What are they going to do if we don’t pay anyway? They probably can’t afford to have us leave so this seems crazy.

    “Fog in channel; Continent cut off”

    Free Member

    @molgrips its more like being asked for extra tax as your colleagues have missed their targets

    Not really. Sales people are in it to make profit for themselves, like any other employed person. This is more like taxation than remuneration.

    Free Member

    STW is clearly to blame, coke and hookers is always the first suggestion to spend a bit of extra cash! Look where that’s got us!

    Free Member

    Dave’s asked for a meeting of EU finance ministers

    Full Member

    So he can be ignored again? I wonder if he has that Alan Partidge thing going on when he’s talking to them? Where his mind wanders off to visualise Nigel Farage making him dance on a stage in his underwear

    Free Member

    A grateful nation delivers a sigh of relief

    I wonder if it is PR so he can talk tough and get it overturned then get electoral success and the EU can look like it listens to our concerns #conspiracy

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