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  • Sandwell valley mtb trail centre……. Good or bad news?
  • dibboid
    Free Member

    Link…[/url] The reason for post is purely concerns about the area and could this be easy pickings for the junkies etc that hang around the area? Or am I just being paranoid? Only as we know, bikes ain’t cheap.

    Full Member

    The aim of the project is to construct a 1.5 mile mountain bike trail

    bit too long for me, I’m out

    £85k for 1.5 miles?

    Free Member

    Parkwood springs in Sheffield is a rubbish area but it seems to be doing well

    Free Member

    I think you’re being paranoid! The area is fine, like most city parks. This is awesome news, I’ve just moved down the road and can’t wait. Actually, wait, no it’s terrible news. Please stay away, don’t want them getting too popular…

    Free Member

    theres some right dodgy twunts that ride round there 😀

    Free Member

    It’s about the same traveling time away for me as cannock (about 25 mins) so was hoping it was me. Shame it’s not a bit longer (like 3 times as) but I guess it’s better than nothing.

    Free Member

    I have been maintaining the trails at Sandwell and helping with the fundraising for som time, so for me it’s great news. The trails are parts of th route completed by 9 feet under as part of th original mountain mayhem events. It will be a nice little loop for locals.

    Free Member

    Good news for the area and mountain biking in general ….. haven’t rode up there for over a year , may have to venture up there soon to have a look 😀
    well done to everyone involved

    Free Member

    Shindiggy, so depending on popularity of the trail would there be any chance of them extending it? Might have to go and have a nosey at it soon.

    Free Member

    As well as the MTB trail, a pump track is also being built toward the Dartmouth Park end of the country park. There is discussing to create a longer XC loop of around 5km, but a lot of the park are areas of scientific interest plus the park needs to cater for the other park users too.

    There is only so much space we can really use.

    Free Member

    Bit of a bump, first stage of surfacing the trails commenced this week.

    Will officially be open a ready to ride in 5 weeks (weather dependent)

    A few pics below

    Free Member

    Looks great, anything that gets people riding bikes is good.

    Really weird to see pics of Sandwell again after all these years since Mayhem left… So is that lap still there? I remember the field of doom which had quadruple gravity.

    Free Member

    Parts of the mountain mayhem loop are still present, in fact most of the new stuff is on the same grounds as the original mayhem course designed by 9feetunder.

    This is located in Jubilee woods, near car park is at the Forge Mill/Swan pool entrance.

    haha at the field of doom i know what you mean, and yes for some reason is does seem extraordinarily hard to pedal across.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the update shindiggy. Excellent pics, hard to believe that’s sandwell valley! looks like it could be a blast.

    Free Member

    That’s not much hardcore for 850 grand.

    Free Member

    It’s not too bad an area. Although, I used to ride the single track left after mountain mayhem and one occasion I rode past this couple bonking away like a couple of bunnies. I rode by casually with a cheery “evenin'” . Next time I was there I was going down another track and glimpsed two naked people running away in panicked state.

    Wonder if the scenery has changed much….

    Free Member

    Oh man – I had forgotten about the Field of Doom.

    Far too many years ago!

    Free Member

    The Jubilee woods areas does get a few late night visitors, i know i’ve startled a fair number of them.

    Its one of the reason why the track as been built in this area to try and discourage the other visitors of the night.

    Free Member

    gears_suck – Member
    That’s not much hardcore for 850 grand.

    First layer only when down this weekend, another few weeks of work to commence yet.

    Free Member

    Some more work done today

    Free Member

    Looking good 😀

    Free Member

    Blimey, looking good. Wasn’t expecting much in the way of ‘technical’ surfacing, but am pleasantly surprised. Though given the cost, I’m glad to see the money going into the trail.

    I occasionally (during the summer, when the towpaths aren’t too minging) do a loop out from Ladywood up the Wolves canal, nip up into Sandwell Valley and do a vague lap of the old Red Bull (raced there in 2000) before heading back down the Tame Valley canal, under Spaghetti Junction and into Brum.

    There’s still some pretty good singletrack (the bit in the tight trees after you went alongside the M5 after the bridge) if you can find a route, which I think leads into this new trail being built. Makes for a pretty good lap, with the ‘descent’ by the golf course, and a great thing to have within (non-road) riding distance of the centre of Birmingham.

    Looking forward to checking it out

    Free Member

    Not to far from me, look forward to checking it out, might be a couple of laps needed mind. Pumptracks are my thing to so will defiantly go even if just to check that out!

    Free Member

    P.S Sandwell council claim to be spending £135k ?

    Free Member

    looks like could be a chuckle once my face is fixed!

    Free Member

    looks like could be a chuckle once my face is fixed!

    It does…. But you better buy a full facer cus I ain’t gonna be the one phoning your other half saying that bits have fallen if you! 🙂 Or maybe I go first, then you will have a softer landing lol

    Free Member

    The above image is a short uphill climb but there are downhill sections too.

    I know the decent via the golf course your talking about, i have crafted a few drops/jumps over in the priory woods by the ice pool too.

    Sandwell is pretty much the only place i can ride from my door step so happy to help building the trails there.

    Free Member

    The course officially opens in 5 weeks and consist of blue/red and black lines, though take this with a pinch of salt as they can all be ridden by anyone at a slow pace.

    So you will need to complete a few runs loops to tackle all the possible lines.

    I will post pictures as an when work is completed, i’m going back over tomorrow and working there on Sunday.

    Free Member

    This picture shows an example of how the Red (right) and Blue (left) join back up. Hopefully allow mixed ability riders to ride together and choose different lines and meet back up as well as allow for different loops to be strung together. We are also currently at 3km in length.

    Free Member

    That looks waaay better than I’d expected to see – nice work!

    Free Member

    Looks like fun 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ll post the definite official opening date once the track has finished and bedded in, if the weather stays nice shouldn’t be too long away now.

    Perhaps a group ride is in order?

    Free Member

    I can’t wait to get over there it looks nice and fast. The pump track is the most appealing for me, that looks great. Any idea if the pump track is going to be free or only open at certain times?

    Free Member

    Double post

    Free Member

    I’ve got some pics of the pump track, will get them up in a few moments. I haven’t been involved with the pump track at all, done through different contacts. However i think it is associated with ‘closer to the edge’ and may be a paid for facility.

    I hope i’m wrong though as i too want to ride it but can’t justify paying each time.

    Free Member

    Defo up for a group ride shindiggy , looking really good 🙂

    Free Member

    This looks great for all levels. Still relatively new to the area and will make a change to stopping off at Cannock on way back from work. Will have to work out a route from harbourne.

    Free Member

    Sandwell Valley is the only real place to ride within easy distance from my front door. I often nip down the cut and have a spin over there.
    Good to see some surfacing on the trails as it tends to get crazily muddy and waterlogged.
    Checked out the first little loop a couple of times, look forward to giving the new stuff a go when it’s completed. 🙂

    Free Member

    I rode the bits that weren’t taped off last night quickly and it does look like it will be good fun once it’s been compacted and finished.

    Full Member

    This is good news – the last time I rode the first phase of the newly built trails in early February the gay cottaging was still going on – this was on Saturday afternoon in daylight, they quickly dispersed when I rode the trails must of thought I was an uncover patrol…

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