I made the mistake of clicking on the ”Trending” story on Facebook about the Eid crash in Newcastle.
For anyone not aware, a car crashed into a crowd celebrating Eid outside Newcastle Central Mosque. Six injured, including three children.
Naturally everyone is a bit anxious, but Northumbria Police have stressed that it is not being treated as a terrorist incident. The driver, a 42 year old woman of African descent, had been celebrating Eid with her family and was leaving when she lost control of her car. Shit driver, but not a terrorist.
But look through the public posts on that timeline and you’ll see that most of people seem to have read the headline and then made up whatever story suits their internal narrative.
There are people:
– assuming it was a jihadist terrorist attack
– assuming it was a jihadist terrorist attack against white Christians (celebrating Eid at a mosque?)
– complaining that a “terrorist attack” is being reported as an accident because it was a white man versus Muslims.
– speculating that it will be blamed on a lone wolf white guy with mental problems
– applauding it as a revenge attack!
– posting #PrayForPeace and #NotInMyName
I’ve always been aware of how social media distorts these stories, but it is interesting/educational/appalling to watch it happen to one so close to home.
For many people that twisted second-hand version of events they’ve read on facebook/twitter will be the only version that they see. That will be their reality and inform their view of the world.