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  • Legalities of collisions on bike paths
  • cynic-al
    Free Member

    Is there any statutory or case law on this?

    Remaining quite annoyed about the utter indifference to.me as a cyclist on my local prom, a shared use path.

    2 dogs nearly took me out today and their owner told me to shut up when I suggested she might want to keep an eye on them (I had interrupted her texting TBF)

    Free Member

    public area , dogs not under control shirly ?

    how ever if you think that will change missys attitude your mistaken .

    Free Member

    Once dogs get mobile phones they’ll move around less. Give it a year or so.

    Free Member

    didn’t someone on here recently also get taken down by a dog and the outcome was that he was a bell for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

    Free Member

    how ever if you think that will change missys attitude your mistaken

    I know, I went straight for “go **** yourself”.

    Free Member

    I get it often on certain promenades & dedicated cycle paths they seem oblivious to a massive white line & bike painted on it ! You get whole families taking up the width of over 10-15ft people are often in daydreams on mobiles etc.

    As for dogs loose what about extending leads once more than 5ft away its out of control imo,I do give way & acknowledge others it’s give & take they should more often notice us cyclists too, instead of watching us approach from half a mile or more away then panic,faf about as I’m almost on top of them !

    Do they walk out in front of cars ? but a cycle could cause just as bad an injury so why ignore us ?

    Moral of the story you get bad days we all do sometimes,often just ignore it but also accept people are what they are,in busy towns & shops they bump into you on foot.

    I love it when loose dogs give chase & I’m able to get a good move on,nothing funnier than owner screaming half a mile of more away when said dog runs out of puff.

    Free Member

    Take a wee penknife with you and cut the leads and watch doggie run off.

    Get roman chariot style spikes attached to the side of your wheels.

    Hoof in the slats.

    Full Member

    porty prom is ” give way to pedestrians”

    Full Member

    The one where I slowed right down to pass a young family, and the guy called his dog* so it ran straight thru my bike. That was an ace one.

    *white fluffy thing that is supposedly canine, about the size of my old cat.

    Oh and the one where the owner “in control” of her dogs apprehended me and instructed me to slow down on the cycle path because her dogs were running wild chasing animals ahead.  In a nature reserve.

    And the other one that told me off for not ringing my bell on a cycle path. As he took the iPod headphones out of his ears.

    That first dog’s paws were missed by millimetres, thanks to the fact that I’d already slowed down and had brand new disk brakes. The paws were under the tyre in those few cm immediately before the contact patch. If I’d have gone AOT, I’d have sued.

    The other 2 can just eff off.

    Free Member

    I know, I went straight for “go **** yourself”

    Swearing at lass’s, you stay classy.

    Free Member

    My take on this for what its worth being a cyclist and dog owner. If you see a dog and its not under control slow down or stop until the hazard has passed. I know its a ball ache but some owners are just 🔔ends. Its not the animals fault. Take a deep breath and carry on your way. The worst are runners with headphones in running up the centre of the paths!

    Free Member

    Riverside Park is a nightmare design, where the wise powers that be in Southampton City Council decided it was a good idea to have a pedestrian and cycle lane run alongside each other… With the cycle lane between the grass and the riverside pedestrian walkway.

    So I’m happily cycling on the cycle path bit, only to have to constantly slow/stop for adults/kids/dogs all crossing the cycle lane without checking for cyclists, or even simply walking along the cycle path.

    It’s one of the few places I go every now and again, coming away seriously thinking about buying a 140dB Hornit to get them out of my bloody way!

    Free Member

    It’s almost as if some people believe – including some on here it seems – that bikes are toys, and not used for transport.

    Free Member

    smell_it I’m not sexist, but go you if you want to be.

    Inbred456 that is sensible. Safest to assume any dog, like any human, can change direction at any time for no reason you can anticipate.

    It’s just annoying as the path in question is 2 miles, almost half my commute, and the mile is often full of bell ends. Even the local free rag has printed articles by the police with clear bias against cyclists (they did print my rebuttal TBF).

    Got called a ****ing arsehole by the passenger of an overtaking lifestyle faux by four on my road ride today, for being on my bike it seems.


    Full Member

    “Got called a ****ing arsehole by the passenger of an overtaking lifestyle faux by four on my road ride today, for being on my bike it seems.”

    Quite right, perhaps they’d read this thread ;)

    Free Member

    “My take on this for what its worth being a cyclist and dog owner. If you see a dog and its not under control slow down or stop until the hazard has passed.”

    I follow this advise myself. Never had a problem with dogs, despite riding along the taff trail (dog infested multi use path) a couple of hundred times a year.

    Free Member

    Lol Jim, I meant to make that joke myself

    Free Member

    By your logic ‘Al, I am very happy to be a sexist.

    I can now see all those blokes that punch the crap out of their partners are just striving for true equality. Swearing at a stranger is aggressive and for a man to do that to a lass is bang out of order. But clearly that’s just my view.

    Free Member

    I was cycling slowly along my local prom last summer when my bike came to a sudden halt. What the hell I thought as I jumped off, only to notice small rat type dog on extending lead wrapped around my rear wheel and mech.
    Owner started to abuse me from the other side of the path saying I shouldn’t be cycling there. I politely pointed out the cycling sign behind her as which point she started spitting out a tirade of abuse.
    I always keep an eye out for extending leads in shared use areas……

    Free Member

    “Swearing at a stranger is aggressive and for a man to do that to a lass is bang out of order. But clearly that’s just my view.”

    Believe me smell_it your not alone.

    Full Member

    ““Swearing at a stranger is aggressive and for a man to do that to a lass is bang out of order. But clearly that’s just my view.”

    Believe me smell_it your not alone”

    I’m with you guys….. Well done Cynic-al, you really sorted that lone female out, using aggressive and abusive behavior was definitely the way to go….. What a big man you are.

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