Home Forums Chat Forum Inactivity induced heart palpitations?

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  • Inactivity induced heart palpitations?
  • jackthedog
    Free Member

    Moving house last year, followed by Christmas, terrible weather and a bit of a spike in workload meant that until a fortnight ago I’d not done any real cycling for about 3 months. Furthest I’d ridden in that time was to the local shop.

    During this period of uncharacteristic inactivity I’ve noticed my heart beating a bit, erm, well, I noticed it, which I don’t normally. No pain or anything, just finding that most evenings at some point I’d notice my heartbeat. Now I’m back to riding again it’s gone back to normal and I’d forgotten about it.

    It didn’t feel like a stress related thing, we’re renters and the move was easy as anything, work is all perfectly fine, I don’t really over indulge at Christmas or anything. Nothing else weird going on anywhere that I’m aware of.

    As it never felt like a problem, I’d not bothered mentioning it to anyone. Then just the other day, entirely unpromted, my missus (who has endured a similar hiatus from her gym sessions and dance classes over the past few months) mentioned in passing that getting back to her routine had ‘settled her heart down again’, as if it was a totally normal thing.

    Is it? I thought it was just me. Obviously not. Is this normal? Will we die?

    Free Member

    First link I visited mate, thanks. Thought I’d turn to STW to seek the opinions and anecdotes of those with similar lifestyles to myself.

    Free Member

    Ive recently had the same feeling just before xmas.i went to my gp and he sent me for an ecg which came back normal.since the new year ive done 5 3 hour rides and it seems to have passed now.

    Free Member

    Had several weeks of this last year during the cold spell we had. I messed up my ankle badly and did no exercise for a few weeks then tried to go back to cyling and just couldn’t. Everytime things got hard the palps would start and not lay off. I lost weight, I did a lot of cycling on my own ( so not to ruin other peoples rides) at my own pace and beat it into submission.
    So yes it’s normal for many people, and yes you will die, but hopefully not from this 😉

    Full Member

    Sounds like Cat Aids and the bad type as well…

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