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  • Constipation on a certain diet…..help.
  • ton
    Full Member

    serious question this, i am a bit constipated through changing my diet.
    eating loads of veg, salad, nuts, beans and oily fish, but also eating more eggs than i usualy do.
    any ideas?

    Free Member

    Only one thing for it. PICOLAX.

    Free Member

    how many eggs?

    Full Member

    Forget a dietician, you need a mathematician. He’ll work it out with a pencil.

    Full Member

    3 eggs per day.

    Free Member

    You drinking enough?

    Free Member

    lentils :wink:

    Full Member

    plenty of water and black decaff and black tea

    Free Member

    eggs can do that. plenty of water and some senna will help

    Free Member

    hi mate know how your feeling my change of lifestyle going from crap to eating healthy caused me problems. I was eating a loads of fibre too but nothing helped went to the doc and he gave me a 2 week course of laxido which has got me back to normal. it apparently can be caused by the sudden change of what you eat and the amounts of different food which the body is not used to so it needs a kick to sort itself out :D that is my theory.

    Full Member

    mrs has some senakot, gonna try one and see.

    Free Member

    So you need to take medication to counteract the effects of the diet you are on.

    Can you see what to do?

    Free Member

    So, you are full of s..t? Ease off on the eggs and drink more fluids, preferably water.

    Free Member

    Try a few pears they work or some prunes or if you are brave a pint of prune juice but be warned it has a simlar action as pixolax and will definately get you moving

    Free Member

    How long? takes time to adjust. ease off the eggs

    Full Member

    Drink lots of water.
    Chew your food properly (like yer nan would say!).
    Find which foods mess with you.
    I find lots of chicken bungs me up, and baked beans send my insides mental.
    Fruit and fibre cerial is the best I have found for being regular.
    If you are really bunged up then stop eating and just drink lots of water.
    Don’t force it. Google diverticulosis for reasons why.

    May the force be (not) with you.


    Free Member

    3 eggs a day should not do anything drastic jesus body builders eat them by the bucket load daily and pretty sure they do ok.

    Full Member

    Forget a dietician, you need a mathematician. He’ll work it out with a pencil.

    Proper lol.

    Buy the Times Ton.. you’ll be on the throne for a while!

    Free Member

    Google diverticulosis for reasons why

    How ?

    Full Member

    How what? Forcing poo can contribute to causing divericulosis.
    Drinking lots of water and allowing gradual peristalsis to take its course will reduce this chance.

    Free Member

    I am sure that it is possible to eat and it all get processed by the body such that there is no significant “waste” to expel – but I am not an expert.

    Hope that you are using loads of Olive Oil on your salads… Mmmmm.

    Liquorice has mild natural laxative properties, but if you are feeling bad use some over the counter remedy for sure. The pharmacist’s in Tesco’s are great qualified advisors IMHO.

    Hope you feel better soon.

    Free Member

    I havent heard of that before just usual idea that it is caused by a low fiber diet

    Free Member

    What diet are you on Ton? Does it begin with an ‘M’?

    Free Member

    My sister once drank a load of 3 in 1 when she was about 3. My mum said everything fell out for about a week. An alternative is white paraffin; a colleague gave it to a mate for a laugh and it worked pretty quickly by all accounts.

    Alternatively loads of water, strong coffee and fags.

    Full Member

    mission accomplished……. 8)

    Free Member

    good lad

    Free Member

    <googles for reports of a Northern tsunami>

    Free Member

    *polite applause*

    Full Member

    *awaits the next sweary northerners video with some trepidation*

    Free Member

    Could have been a useful moment to employ :wink:’fist pie’.

    Full Member

    Lactulose is the answer ton,it’s slow and gentle,your GP should prescribe it for you,otherwise available over the counter in chemists.I worked in elderly care for years,and in gastro-enterology,I could probably write a book,TJ has experience in the client group too IIRC.

    Free Member

    **Wonders, am I permitted to contribute**

    If you’re finally giving the iDiet a proper go.

    Then I would say that, well, ime at least, the body went through some initial adjustment.
    Things will get better.

    I’m assming its early days for you, so stick with it.

    Good luck.

    Full Member

    PICS !!

    8O :oops:

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