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  • Biased Broadcasting Company (Nick Robinson)
  • flanagaj
    Free Member

    This is not a thread regarding how you intend to vote on Thursday, but more one regarding how biased Nick Robinson on the Today programme is. I listened to him last week interview a ‘remain’ politician and he did not ask a single challenging question, but put Michael Gove on for ‘vote leave’ and he is rude, dismissive …

    Free Member

    Did it have anything to do with the answers he was giving? In fairness I’d challenge most people to interview Gove without breaking his nose.

    Full Member

    I’d challenge most people to interview Gove without breaking his nose.


    Free Member

    Robinson has strong conservative ties. Guess he’s just toeing the party line. Never liked the man, as impartiality is kind of needed in his job.

    ….but then as others have pointed out. It was Gove. So, maybe there are extenuating circumstances.

    Full Member

    When Laura Kuensberg was accused of much the same thing all hell broke loose, and Sarah Montague on R4Today routinely gives Tories a soft ride.

    Free Member

    Richie_B – Member
    I’d challenge most people to interview Gove, the self serving tosspot, without breaking his nose.


    Full Member

    The BeeB is establishment. Most “presenters” on the Today/Toady programme wouldn’t know journalism if it bit them on the arse.

    Free Member

    I can’t believe he didn’t punch Gove. I’m going to write and complain.

    Free Member

    In fairness I’d challenge most people to interview Gove without breaking his nose.

    There’s really no need to resort to extreme violence like that.

    A hard slap is all that he needs.

    Full Member

    Was the remain politician using misleading and conflicting statements? Because every time I’ve seen Gove interviewed about the referendum he has, so it’s quite right he’s challenged.

    Free Member

    I bet he cringes when he sees that picture.

    Full Member

    thats one of the better ones.

    Free Member

    Did it have anything to do with the answers he was giving? In fairness I’d challenge most people to interview Gove without breaking his nose.

    Faisal Islam interviewed Gove without breaking his nose. In fact as far as I’m aware Gove has never been physically assaulted during an interview.

    As for bias the format of back to back interviews used by Sky and QT allows for a direct comparison, when there is onky one side as it where then its easier to see questiioning as an “attack”. Personally I think the BBC tries ro be balanced, it doesn’t alwqys achieve that

    Free Member

    mrhoppy – Member

    Was the remain politician using misleading and conflicting statements? Because every time I’ve seen Gove interviewed about the referendum he has, so it’s quite right he’s challenged.

    Could be this, without stiring the pot too much, perhaps the problem Nick faced was the ‘facts’ the Leave camp use are often somewhere between Opinon, Guess, Misleading or just Lies, whereas Remain are mostly somewhere between Fact and Guess.

    Full Member

    In fact as far as I’m aware Gove has never been physically assaulted during an interview.

    it’s probably just a matter of time.

    Free Member

    Remain are mostly somewhere between Fact and Guess.

    Wild speculation extrapolated over many years with no consideration of negative scenarios. Excluded the Leave campaign from having access to civil service thus making it difficult to obrain facts/data. Remain critised by Office for National Statistics (ONS) for using an immigration figure around 50% of reality

    Free Member

    This is not a thread regarding how you intend to vote on Thursday, but more one regarding how biased Nick Robinson on the Today programme is. I listened to him last week interview a ‘remain’ politician and he did not ask a single challenging question, but put Michael Gove on for ‘vote leave’ and he is rude, dismissive …

    Was exactly the same during Indyref in 2014…

    And the build up to the game last week on BBC was 95% England, 5% Wales. Makes Russia today look balanced.

    Free Member

    it’s probably just a matter of time.

    What should we expect ? Common assault or full monty, ie shot and stabbed ?

    Free Member

    Wild speculation extrapolated over many years with no consideration of negative scenarios. Excluded the Leave campaign from having access to civil service thus making it difficult to obrain facts/data. Remain critised by Office for National Statistics (ONS) for using an immigration figure around 50% of reality

    In fairness they can just point out the window and say “look we’re in Europe, and the sky hasn’t fallen in, what more do you want?”.

    Free Member

    Yeah, the BBC make no effort to deliver balanced output…


    Free Member

    And the build up to the game last week on BBC was 95% England, 5% Wales. Makes Russia today look balanced.

    3.063 Million/63 Million?
    About 4.8% so 5% of the coverage was generous

    Free Member

    In fairness, John Humphreys does appear (to my ears) to give ‘Remainers’ a tough time on the Today show, so I’m guessing the presenters get to pick their own fights.. 😉

    I thought it was pretty entertaining TBH. Gove got to put in all his propagandist voodoo economics and immigration paranoia, while Nick Robinson made him dance like a little bunny.

    Everyone wins. What do you not like OP? 😉

    Full Member

    What should we expect ? Common assault or full monty, ie shot and stabbed ?

    Oh just an egging I should think.

    Full Member

    Excluded the Leave campaign from having access to civil service thus making it difficult to obrain facts/data

    Oh please, that is the most pathetic thing I’ve ever heard as areason why the leave campaign make shit up on a daily basis. I don’t have access to bloody civil servants either, remarkably I can tell that “we give the EU £350 million a week” is made up bolloxs

    Free Member

    In fairness, John Humphreys does appear (to my ears) to give ‘Reaminers’ a tough time on the Today show, so I’m guessing the presenters get to pick their own fights..

    I too have noticed that as well. Unfortunately, I seem to hear more Nick Robinson interviews that John Humphrey’s ones. Not that I have a biased opinion 😉

    Full Member

    BBC are probably one of the more balanced news outlets, just on the basis that everyone thinks the BBC are biased against them.

    Unlike newspapers.

    Or American news – have you seen American TV news?

    Free Member

    Given the history of infiltration of the media by the intelligence services, what’s the likelihood that similar (and more advanced) methods are still being used?

    If you want a real insight into what goes on behind the scenes, look into Brian Crozier:

    The intelligence expert Brian Crozier, who has died aged 94 after a long illness, was the ultimate cold-war warrior: a political vigilante who unashamedly cultivated a close, mutually beneficial, relationship with MI6, MI5 and the CIA, successfully courted Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, and praised the dictators Pinochet and Franco.

    In the 1960s, at MI6’s suggestion, Crozier was approached by the Congress for Cultural Freedom, a CIA-funded agency that financed publications around the world, including Encounter magazine in Britain.
    In 1966, with the help of CIA funds, he set up a British-based agency, Forum World Features, and later founded the Institute for the Study of Conflict. He also contributed to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s Information Research Department (IRD), a shady organisation whose unattributable reports distributed to susceptible journalists and MPs were designed to highlight the dangers of communist subversion. The IRD was disbanded by David Owen soon after he was appointed foreign secretary in 1977.

    That year, continuing in his role of what British intelligence agencies call “an alongsider”, Crozier set up a new group, “The 61”.

    and his work at Forum World Features and Le Cercle:

    Forum World Features was a London based CIA propaganda operation which operated as a professional news service from 1965 to 1975. It was run by the anti-communist crusader, later European Chair of Le Cercle, Brian Crozier.

    Forum World Features was part of a world wide CIA propaganda operation overseen by Kermit Roosevelt, the CIA agent who had engineered the overthrow of the democratic government of Iran in 1953.

    The Australian born journalist Brian Crozier was appointed chairman of the company. He was a fervant anti-communist who had worked for the Economist and the BBC. Crozier was assisted by John Tusa – later to be the main presenter of BBC Newsnight, then go on to become head of the BBC’s World Service. Tusa, who was reportedly unaware of the CIA connection, resigned after an argument over editorial policy.

    Among many other achievements in the shadows, Crozier via the global network of Le Cercle, with extensive support in MI6 and the CIA, was said to be instrumental in getting both Thatcher and Reagan elected…

    The Langemann Papers (November 1979) quote a planning paper by Brian Crozier about a Cercle complex operation “to affect a change of government in the United Kingdom (accomplished)”.

    This may be a reference to the success of the “Shield” group which Crozier set up in 1976, probably with the express purpose of getting Margaret Thatcher elected, a year after she was invited to the Bilderberg meeting by Labour’s Dennis Healey.

    Full Member

    Excluded the Leave campaign from having access to civil service thus making it difficult to obrain facts/data

    Given that all the facts support remain, the leave campaign and making sure they don’t use them anyway and just making shit up on the fly…

    Just about every Leave poster is factually incorrect.

    Full Member

    BBC are probably one of the more balanced news outlets

    And TBH their obsession with allowing balance means that often for the sake of “fairness” lies are allowed to be repeated as facts : look at climate change “debates” as proof

    Full Member

    Nickc – possibly, possibly

    Free Member

    Oh just an egging I should think.

    Or a custard pie 😀

    Given that all the facts support remain

    Could not agree less. Detailed data on immigration including short term seasonal work average wages. A breakdown of immigrants by income and nationality so we can see clearly contributions made to the taxman. Detailed breakdown of benefits inc in-work (we already know immigrants are twice as likley to claim income support). Detailed information about numbers arriving to seek work. Detailed numbers about housing cost provision.

    Full Member

    I used to trust the BBC now I don’t trust any single news source . Channel 4 is probably the best one.

    Free Member

    BBC are probably one of the more balanced news outlets, just on the basis that everyone thinks the BBC are biased against them.

    Unlike newspapers.

    Or American news – have you seen American TV news?

    This. I think American TV news reflects the country, even the Democrats are far to the right of the Tories.

    I used to trust the BBC now I don’t trust any single news source . Channel 4 is probably the best one.

    Agreed agin. i watch BBC, Channel 4, Sky plus online outlets like ViceNews

    Free Member

    P-Jay – Member
    … the ‘facts’ the Leave camp use are often somewhere between Opinon, Guess, Misleading or just Lies…

    you forgot ‘hate-fueling Nazi propaganda’.

    whoops, nearly Godwin’ed myself there.

    Free Member

    All wrong i tell you…..

    Full Member

    we already know immigrants are twice as likley to claim income support

    I’ll stick this in the same column as the claim about £350 million. There are some very low paid immigrants claiming extra support, that’s not the same as saying “immigrants” . But then that’s what the leave campaign do isn’t it?

    Free Member

    I’m not sure where this idea of balance comes from that necessitates it coming down to each presenter. Surely if one presenter or sow balances another it achieves the same thing?

    Full Member

    Is that Gove again Perchy?

    Free Member

    Is that Gove again Perchy?

    Sorry, one post only on political threads – pithy remark and an exit, that’s the rules…..DOH!”

    Free Member

    I’m not sure where this idea of balance comes from that necessitates it coming down to each presenter. Surely if one presenter or sow balances another it achieves the same thing?

    Guess the problem often lies with the top of the hierarchy, such as the editors…

    for example:

    Head of BBC News:

    Editor BBC’s Daily & Sunday Politics, Exec Editor Andrew Marr Show and This Week. Head of BBC Westminster:

    Be interested to see if anyone can identify if there are any people in similar positions from the other side of the political spectrum?

    What effect would such placements have on damage limitation or outright suppression in the event of a massive scandal?

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