Home Forums Chat Forum 130 Mile ride to raise money for debt relief/education charity – sponsor me?

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  • 130 Mile ride to raise money for debt relief/education charity – sponsor me?
  • gofasterstripes
    Free Member

    Hello STW.

    This is a simple project to try and raise some funds for a debt relief charity. I am looking for donations, no matter how small, to take us to, or beyond our target of £500. If you have 5 minutes and £5 please read this and consider a small donation for a good cause, earned through a hard slog.

    We have covered all overheads ourselves, all the money/giftaid will do directly to the charity.


    Assuming I can get the Garmin to work correctly, out team of two will be doing a 130Mile-in-a-day ride for Christians Against Povery [CAP]. If the Garmin doesn’t have the route stored, it may well be longer, eeeek!

    We’ll find it really hard, as neither of us is used to the distance, the terrain is hilly and there is also the possibility of bad/windy weather. Though we’re using road bikes, it’s going to be a real slog with a 5am start, 7000ft of climbing a traffic and potholes to contend with too.

    Honestly, I think it’s going to be the absolute limit of the mileage that we can manage in a day.

    Simply put, the reason I want to raise money for CAP is: They do great work, and are funded only through donations – NOWT from the government.

    CAP is where MissStripes works, and it’s through that I have found out about them and their mission:

    To help anyone who requests help with debt, to get out of debt and stay out of it [despite the name they do not only help Christians, they offer the same services to anyone].

    They do this in various ways, helping manage the creditors requests, create a repayment plan personalised to the person and agreed with the creditors – stopping them hounding or threatening. Also, impartial financial educational courses and advice for managing income. And even “job clubs” where they help people find work through locally organised meetings and training, and even help to make a successful application.

    They do this all for free, because they think debt is a heavy burden that often can be avoided or relieved through financial education and FoC assistance in times of need.

    Huge numbers of people are having their lives blighted by debt, whether caused through unforeseen change of circumstance, bad/ignorant management of money [often people just don’t understand the situation or interest] and sometimes irresponsible/exploitative lending. Sometimes people commit suicide because they’re totally unable to handle the pressure.

    Anecdotally: Through the people MissStripes speaks to, their work works. 10-12 people a day are freed from debt directly through CAP’s help, and they often take the time to report back to the people who worked with them about how their lives are transformed. There are many awards and testaments to the quality of their work.

    These guys do great things, and addressing the religious aspect for a moment, they’re a Christian charity doing kind helpful things with no strings attached. That’s a pretty good Christian attitude – to help others.

    So there you have it. I will suffer – others will suffer less. As an added bonus I’ll be off the forum Saturday, and have posted less silliness in the last few weeks as well! Everyone’s a winner 🙂

    Convinced? DONATE HERE:::::::::::::::::

    JustGiving page: https://www.justgiving.com/SamJohnMichael

    also :

    About CAP: https://capuk.org/about-us




    Full Member

    Huge numbers of people are having their lives blighted by debt, whether caused through unforeseen change of circumstance, bad/ignorant management of money [often people just don’t understand the situation or interest] and sometimes irresponsible/exploitative lending.

    How very true that is. 😐 Helping folk deal with their debts and prevent them ending up in the spiral that leads to homelessness etc, is a very wothwhile cause.

    Donated & Good luck.

    Free Member

    🙂 Thanks dude. Much appreciated.

    Free Member

    Late lunch crowd bump.

    Free Member

    Anyone-at-all bump!

    Full Member

    I think you have an uphill struggle persuading people that someone who spent more money than they had is as worthy as an earthquake victim, cancer research, etc, etc, etc.

    I’ve stuck a tenner in the pot. Hope the ride goes well but not too easy, you have to suffer a bit 🙂

    Free Member

    Thanks dude. I understand your point about overspending, I think it’s also worth bearing in mind that that is not the majority of cases, IIRC around half are people who have lost their jobs, or fallen I’ll or had a similar kind of catastrophic event. And of those who have overspent, in many cases they are unable to move on from that mistake as their life becomes effectively controlled by the creditors or their agents.

    Full Member

    People generally tend to want to contribute to charities when the needy have hit the rock bottom. You know, dying, homeless, beaten.

    Assisting in intervention before then, isn’t really seen as ‘needy’ and just as RB rightly indicates, folk will tend to think “well, they’ve made their decisions that got them there in the first place didn’t they?”

    Maybe wait until these people that have put their hands up with financial difficulties and ask for help, to actually lose everything, then folk will help those very same people by donating to Shelter….bit late though by then.

    Wrong isn’t it? The stupid part of the human condition in play.

    Donated another tenner mate, I believe in it 🙂

    Free Member


    That’s really kind

    Full Member

    Tenner from me too Sam.

    Best of luck mate.

    Free Member

    Shucks 😳

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Good luck. Just bumped it up to your £500 target.

    People assume that everyone who is in debt got there through overspending. I’ve seen people go into a tailspin because one organization overcharges them which puts them into an overdraft situation resulting in punitive charges from the bank. The original organization may then refund them, but the bank still want their pound of flesh and when you are on a low income which barely covers your monthly costs it can be very difficult to recover the situation.

    Free Member

    That’s all really kind guys.

    I think you also make dinner great points about the causes, too. It’s nowhere near as black and white as some people think.

    Been out for a stretch-out on the bike, the handlebars are really low, but I darent move them. The advantage is in the aerodynamics, but I think my back might curse me for a week!

    Free Member

    Just to say thanks again….

    Nearly ready to, go 57 hand-coded waypoints:

    [donations still possible – place your bets on whether I get us lost]

    Full Member

    Just a bump on behalf of Sam.

    He’s doing a fairly impressive thing for him to be honest, and it’s for a good and under-represented cause.

    I’m sure the charity would appreciate a quid or two if you can manage it, and will help spur Sam on tomorrow at 5am. It’s not glamorous and neither is the charity, but it’s a very important one to the people that need it.

    (not direct route, but that’s a fairly impressive attempt for a fat, unfit knacker like gofasterstripes 😉 )

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Hope it’s staying dry for you Sam

    Free Member

    Little Musgrave. Tan Hill was cold and miserable, now better 😀

    Full Member

    Good going!

    Full Member

    Another tenner to spur you along for the next 10 miles.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Wait ’til tomorrow 🙂

    Where are you up to?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    4 miles out.

    Full Member

    *Cheers on* 😀

    Free Member

    Waaaayyyy…made it! Pictures and stats to come!

    Thanks soooo much guys 😀

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Quality achievement; you’ll look back and be proud of this day 8)

    Free Member

    Absolutely 🙂

    But before that: Guinness!

    Free Member

    Sorry for the lack of update – it will come. I have been so busy I haven’t even tried these out yet!

    Free Member

    Hello again everyone!

    Sorry for the delay, the last few days have been as busy as you can imagine, we had to take the bike back to start with and that was just pants 🙁

    The ride basically went really well, there were no mechanicals, which only goes to show that anything is possible if you have good karma! We didn’t even get lost, thanks Garmin. The only major issue apart from fatigue was the temperature which was lower than expected and compounded by nearly constant rain for the first few hours and then again after lunch. My feet and hands were blocks of ice almost the whole time….and I left one of my long finger gloves at home.

    Another big shout to Rich Baldwin the guy that made and supplied the amazing Ti sportive bike I used for the last week and the ride, it made it damn near a pleasure. If he can only make them pedal themselves I’d do that trip every week.

    But it was great fun and we managed to raise £555.00 raised of the £500.00 target in 21 donations – thank you everyone!


    We set off at 5:30am – the roads were clear

    rain all day

    nice roads

    stop for lunch

    up the hill

    top the top

    but i quite enjoyed it

    especially coming down

    then it was a long slog… spinning wheels on wet roads

    past nice views

    keep going…

    past stuff

    and going

    past more stuff, mostly along Roman roads I think

    still going

    nearly there

    the results 🙂

    Lastly there’s a couple more from the end, but they’re on a camera and I’ll have a look for them later tonight.

    Thanks again : ) I hope you enjoyed the pics!


    Full Member

    Well done fella; you did well. Really well. Be proud 🙂

    That jumper is a ******* abomination though.

    Free Member

    ‘Ere! Me mam knitted that, she did!

    But ta, like.

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