Classic Ride 140 – Land’s End to Lizard

by 5

Sam takes us on a long ride on some new-old trails that will make for a great weekender, or a really big day out. Words Sam Jones Photography Jordan Gibbons and Stef…

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Amanda Wishart

Art Director

Amanda is our resident pedaller, who loves the climbs as much as the descents. No genre of biking is turned down, though she is happiest when at the top of a mountain with a wild descent ahead of her. If you ever want a chat about concussion recovery, dealing with a Womb of Doom or how best to fuel an endurance XC race, she's the one to email.

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  • This topic has 5 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by csb.
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  • Komoot Classic Ride 140: Land’s End to Lizard
  • Pz_Steve
    Full Member

    Excellent write-up Sam.

    Made interesting reading for me as this is my local patch (some of those quiet roads are my daily commute to work), and I’ve been a bit ‘down’ on the West Kernow way. Really good to get the perspective of someone to whom these are new trails, roads and views.

    Sounds like you had a blast. I love your enthusiasm for everything the route threw at you and I’m glad you got to see how easy it is to get way from the tourist hoards on a mountain bike, even in summer. The West Penwith moors are my go-to place when I need to reboot.

    Just to add that there’s an excellent bike shop in Penzance (the imaginatively named “Penzance Cycle Centre”). I think they’re operating a pre-book only service through the pandemic, but Mark is a top bloke who’d try to help anyone in a fix.

    Full Member

    It was disappointing not to see Rob Penn on his Rourke 🙃

    Full Member

    Thanks @pz-steve!

    Can’t believe this was my first time down riding in Cornwall – was completely blown away by the landscape and just that shift from the hordes to the silence of the moors. Can definitely see how the Penwith Moors could have that benefit, in many ways that was my favourite part of the whole route.

    It was an immense privilege to be one of the first to ride the new West Kernow Way route, and hand in heart if those trails are part of your regularly riding then I’m more than a bit jealous! I’ll drop a line to those behind the route guide about Mark and the Penzance Cycle Centre – thanks for the tip!

    Full Member

    Yeah, my 5 year old and I rode up to the Nine Maidens (Boskednan stone circle) to greet the Solstice. Had a little dance at 15:58 to celebrate turning the corner, then headed home. Felt properly meaningful.

    I still think the West Kernow Way is neither fish nor foul. Too much road for a mountain bike, but too boggy for even a gravel bike over the moors (for about 10 months a year it’s too boggy for pretty much anything).

    Looking forward to trying the eastern loop some time, as I’m less familiar with those trails. Give me a shout if you fancy completing the rest and you want some company!

    Free Member

    To those who done the West Kernow Way, what is the seties of bridleways running west-east above Zennor like? The bit around the Men an Tol. If i get my kids (not gnarly) up there will they enjoy the traverse?

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