Removing posts/content from our forum.

We are often asked by individuals and businesses to remove posts from our forum. The reasons are varied but often include the fact the post may not be a positive reflection of the business or individual concerned. We understand that comments and opinions can often be harsh but it is important to understand that opinion and the freedom to express it is something that we value very highly and we will always seek to protect our users’ rights to express their reasonable opinions on our forum. This is and always has been a fundamental guiding principal of our business.

Our policy is simple…

We will not remove any comments or threads from our forum, no matter how old they are, unless there has been a breach of our forum rules.

Some important points to remember…

  • Simply because you have a different opinion to the poster or you disagree with their views is not reason enough for us to consider their removal.
  • A negative review or criticism of your business is, of itself, not a reason for removal.
  • If you think the views or opinions expressed do breach our rules then use the ‘Report This Post’ function to make our moderators aware of it and we will consider your complaint.
  • Where we agree that a post does go beyond opinion and therefore breaches our rules we will always look to remove the individual posts. Only in very rare circumstances would we ever consider deleting an entire thread from our forum archives.