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  • Wrestling
  • chiefinspector
    Free Member

    Was in the gym earlier on the treadmill and WWE wrestling happened to be on the TV. I used to love this when i was a kid but the current batch of wrestlers aren’t a patch on the old ones from what i saw. I liked the attitude era when the likes of Undertaker, Brett the Hitman Hart & the British Bulldog were at the top of their game.

    Anybody else used to like this and what wrestlers do you remember?

    Free Member

    My favourite was Captain Nostalgia. He used to wear those rose tinted spectacles.*

    *..and Legion Of Doom.

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    Leigon of doom, bush whackers and giant Gonzalez were up there at the top

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    I watched it as a kid but lost interest rapidly after about 12 when I decided it was utter, utter shite.

    My Dad still likes telling the story of when he saw giant hhaystacks at our local leisure centre some time in the 70’s or 80’s.

    Free Member

    Attitude era was Stone Cold, the Rock etc a great era but nothing compared to the times of Hogan, Ultimate Warrior and the Legion of Doom etc.

    It’s entertainment, I’m 31 and still watch it with my little nephew. In fact I took him to Raw live in Manchester and probably enjoyed it more than him :-).

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    The Nasty Boys
    Sergeant Slaughter
    The Ulimate Warrior
    Rick the Model Martell.

    Those were the days.

    Free Member

    As a kid I adored WWF. Hulk Hogan, Shaun Michaels, Brutus the Barber Beefcake. I stopped watching it when I was about 12 but then rediscovered it in the late 90’s when my folks got Sky TV. It was just at the start of the attitude era and I loved it. Austin, degeneration X etc. It was still utterly stupid but great fun none the less.

    It’s gone back to being family friendly again now, which is how it should be, with more clean cut performers and stories. But still some very talented athletes involved and from what I’ve seen the ‘acting’ has vastly improved now.

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