Home Forums Bike Forum What train station, as near as possible to OIympic Park with a bike?

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  • What train station, as near as possible to OIympic Park with a bike?
  • monksie
    Free Member

    I need to get to the Olympic Park site in London with my bike as late at night as possible or preferably early morning (5;30-6:00am). No real problem if I have to travel the night before. I’ll find somewhere to doss until dawn.
    I only know Manchester to Euston and the last train gets in about 11:00pm if my memory serves. Then I’ll have to get me and my bike across London on a Friday night. I don’t fancy that.
    Anybody have any ideas?

    Free Member

    Nah you’ll be fine… bike it.

    Off the top of my head it’s what 5 mile tops ??

    And the only way to it by public trans is the tube and never seen a bike down there.

    Free Member

    maybe one of the STWers can put you up for a night…?

    Free Member

    And the only way to it by public trans is the tube and never seen a bike down there.

    I’ve done it, think it’s only a no-no in rush hour.

    I’m in Wokingham and trainline says the earliest train is 5:55am getting to stratford international for 8:12

    Free Member

    8:12 is way to late though mate. If it’s going take 13 hours, I’d like to be away for 6;30 at the very latest.
    I’ll have a look at the route through London Ro5ey

    Free Member

    Ride Euston to Hackney Wick, [right next to stadium, closer than Stratford] all the time. 25-30 mins max, the whole route has been re-surfaced and not a pot hole in sight!

    It’s a great ride actually, going through Hoxton and via Victoria Park.

    Failling that, there’s an overground station at Hackney Wick, you can get on at Camden Rd which is about a mile from Euston but I’d never bother myself, Love the perfect road surface after riding during the week in Manchester!

    Full Member

    You can get a train from manchester piccadilly (21.27) to Kings X, which gets in at 1.45 with a couple of changes. You could ride from there, good way to kill some time!

    EDIT: Looks like it goes to Euston first if that’s closer

    Free Member

    Thanks for your help guys. As near as possible to the Olympics would be great. It’s a long way home so the less pedalling to get there the better.

    Full Member

    Surely there’s a STW lurker that’ll put you up for the night?

    Come you lot in that London, who can help him out, he’s riding 200 miles the next day for charity, who’ll give him a bed?

    Free Member

    Ride through the night? On the assumption it’s sunny and warm (I know that’s a big IF) then at least the logistics are easier and the added benifit of not sweating buckets.

    Surely there’s a STW lurker that’ll put you up for the night?

    There’s at least one Larndanerrrrrr on here who keeps banging on about the east end, but they keep banning him

    Full Member

    monksie – if you can’t get a bed with a forumite (fnarr, fnarr), I will pay for you a nights stay at the Thameside YHA (looks to be the nearest to the Olympic Park), or a cheap room somewhere nearby through airbnb or something.

    Not the Hilton, but better than dossing down somewhere! Sleep will be important before you do something like that ride!!!

    Free Member

    Good shout woody2000. I’ll go halves with you.

    Full Member

    I’ll go thirds.

    Free Member

    THere are only 4 rooms left on the night you want, monksie. Say if you want to stay there and we can book it today…

    Full Member


    Maybe we can make it the Hilton after all!

    Free Member

    Dunno If we should book it now for him?

    Full Member

    Just emailed him, see if he responds

    Full Member

    My brother is in Manor Park, a couple of miles up the Romford Road from Stratford. He may have room and if you turn up earlier than from the last train into Euston. He may be on nights too because of beer deliveries being curfewed so would get you out of the house early…

    Full Member

    Right, no reply to my email and I’m off for the day now. I’m out tonight too so won’t be on’t net. Crikey, if you do book anything just drop me an email (in profile) and I’ll send you some cash by PP or whatever.

    Free Member

    I’ll keep checking back, if he’s up for it I’ll book it and we can sort stuff later. 😀

    Free Member

    Knock me down and pick me up again! You fella’s! I’m struggling to think what to say! Thank you so much! Once again, I’m humbled…..
    My wife is close to tears here.
    I’m sorry I’ve been AWOL for a little while. My boss caught me on the Internet again and then a 30 mile commute home/training ride.
    What a fantastically generous offer but it wouldn’t be right to take your cash for my own comfort.
    I’ll get on the web and book one of the rooms myself, sharpish! I don’t know London at all. It’s like teaching a baby to read all this. I’m so amatuer, I didn’t even think how I was going to get there when I dreamed this nonsense up last week.
    If you really want to chuck a £1 or two at something (and fingers crossed get some something nice as a prize – I’m hoping for a pink Rapha t-shirt next for the prize fund but don’t tell anyone) and you’ll probably be more than aware of it by now (sorry), the donation website is in my profile.
    Thanks fella’s and ladies for the offer of paying for a room, sub letting your brothers lounge to a bipolar fruit cake and for just doing this stuff! Truly immense. Thank you

    Free Member

    Fella’s. Thank you very much indeed. Crikey has shelled out for a room for me but won’t let me contribute.
    Fantastic generosity. Thank you.
    I need to shut up.

    Full Member

    So, are we going to see how many ways we can split monksies lodging fee then…??? 🙂

    If you pass through Staffs & need cake I’ll be glad to oblige. Top man.

    Free Member

    Cake! I’m so going through Staffs. now 🙂 thank you takisawa2

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