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  • What time do you typically ride?
  • joolsburger
    Free Member

    My weekend ride seems to be getting earlier and earlier culminating in a 6.30 start on Sunday. I don't do this all the time but I have to say that starting that early was fantastic, no one around clear trails and all the wildlife seemed more active. Am I a complete loon or do other people head out at that kind of time?

    Free Member

    Usually between 6 & 7 am in the spring/summer
    sometimes as early as 4:30

    Free Member

    Yep, my favourite time to ride, quieter, cooler, and can fit a 5 hour + ride in and still be home with the family by lunch time.

    Free Member

    Between 7am and 9am on weekends. If I get out on a weekday there's not so much rush as the trails are quieter.

    Free Member

    It always used to be 7am, but now I like to have a relaxed breakfast so start between 8 and 9am.

    Free Member

    7am start on Sundays

    6:30pm on Thursday evenings

    Free Member

    rarely ride before mid day. (infact we used to have a rule to never ride BMX before 12)

    Free Member

    about 1 pm if danny is going otherwise very ealry or late on my own for clear trails. About 10 ish with mates.

    Free Member

    06:30 Start on sunday. Finish 11-12ish.
    19:00 Start on Thursday, finish 10:30 ish

    A young family has driven these times mostly.

    Free Member

    In the saddle by 7:30am,somtimes earlier.As somone said above there is always much more wildlife to see.Always makes me smile as were going home from the lakes the queue of traffic waiting to go there.

    Free Member

    Normally start about 9. Seems to be a little bit cooler and never as busy. Gives you the rest of the day to do what ever else as well 🙂

    Free Member

    I have a young family and I wouldn't get up at 6.30 ever!

    Free Member

    12 – 1pm usually.

    I'm shockingly bad at getting up at the weekend. Try to go out for a quick (30 mins) ride twice a week before work though.

    Full Member

    Normally start about 8pm if not later, when my wife's working. A couple of toddlers to look after so no early morning rides, can't get out til my wife gets home from work. Weekend days I'd generally rather spend with my family- go out or away once a month or so during the day.
    Anybody wants to test how many charge/discharge cycles their lights battery will go through, I'm your man.

    Full Member

    Commuting- 6:15, 1 hour ride, shower, eat, 7:45 team meeting

    Sundays- 7:00 at LBS for 3 hour or so ride

    Rarely ride at a sociable time these days…

    Full Member

    Between 9am and 10am at the weekends, and around 6.30pm in the week.

    Full Member

    I get up early during the week so weekends tend to be a bit lof a later start – 10.30 or later, usually

    Full Member

    Most of my weekday riding is done between 6am-8am, gives me enough time after to sort out lunches/shower etc before work.

    Weekends can sometimes be the same times, but more often lay-ins and DIY/garden/farting about pushes it to late afternoon/early evening.

    Really I should get out early at weekends, but I like my bed.

    Free Member

    Bout 6:30 on Saturdays with a run about teatime for up to 10 miles
    Sunday mornings usually 1.5 to 2hr run, poodle on the bike later but often family time the rest of the day.

    Early starts are ace as I can ride locall on some cheeky trails without seeing a soul!

    Free Member

    I can't sleep much past 7am unless I've been at the sauce the night before. I often potter around on Sundays until 9am when the guys are up and about for a ride so I thought sod it I'll just go now. It does seem like a good time to go but I accept that a 6.30 start isn't for everyone. Best thing was I was home for 10am and had a really good day with the family.

    Free Member

    The witching hour.

    Free Member

    between 9 and 10 starts at weekends

    7.00 pm (ish) starts in the week

    never start in the afternoon if I can help it as I just CRFS at that time of day – think my brain goes into sleep mode.

    Free Member

    9 or 10 am at a weekend depending how far the drive is. If it's local it could be anytime but is usually afternoons. Midweek club rides start 7.30pm but if I'm on my todd I'll go 8.30-9.30. People don't give me a 2nd glance at this time of year but it's a different story in winter!

    Full Member

    Whenever I can really, 6:30 ride on a Tuesday evening with some fellas from the village if my wife or kids haven't got something on or I'm not away with work, few commutes a week that typically mean a start of 6:30-7am, maybe a Friday night bivvy ride or an early morning ride on Saturday or Sunday, or maybe a quick blast at lunchtime if I'm working from home. Pretty random really.

    Free Member

    Get out most days, but rarely before 1900, due to young family. Used to ride a lot early mornings but can't drag myself out of bed that early.

    Free Member

    I LOVE getting out on my bike as early as possible. 5-6am is a regular occurrence winter or summer, I love the feeling of solitude on the trails and I also enjoy having a massive long ride but still having the afternoon to tinker with the bike (or more likely waste my life on internet forums/XBOX 360 ;))

    Free Member

    I'm not much of a morning person during the week so weekdays its evenings starting around 7pm ride for a couple of hours

    weekends its 10-11am and ride through till 4 or 5pm the trails get quiet later in the day

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