RobHilton, I was thinking just yesterday that Trump’s model for himself is perhaps Goldfinger.
Wonder no longer! The evidence speaks for itself…
All lifted from
Cheated at golf
Didn’t pay taxes
Named his companies after himself
Was obsessed with gold (maybe he’d have a gold toilet or elevator)
Fancies himself an expert pistol shot who never misses
Is fat and obnoxious
Has German heritage
Has an interest in Nazis
Is a sadist
Has access to atomic weapons
Plans to rob the USA
When the flaws in his plans are pointed out to him he responds only with a vague assurance that he has prepared solutions for these problems
Is investigated by the FBI
Plans to flee to the USSR
China stands to gain massive economic advantage due to his actions
Wiki agen:
The guy Goldfinger was possibly based on – called, err… Goldfinger
Goldfinger rose to prominence in England as a designer of tower blocks.
Although Goldfinger enjoyed living in his own buildings, they were unpopular among both the public…
Goldfinger was known as a humourless man given to notorious rages. He sometimes fired his assistants if they were inappropriately jocular, and once forcibly ejected two prospective clients for imposing restrictions on his design.
The other guy Goldfinger was possibly based on:
Had a German American father, from whom he inherited the family business
Had horses named Alley Fighter and Red Reality
Ran for New Jersey State Senate against Malcolm Forbes in the “Battle of the Billionaires” (Trumpleton fought Vince McMahon in “Battle of the Billionaires” at Wrestlemania 23. The claimed attendance of which was disputed)
The guy who played Goldfinger had been a member of the Nazi Party
The Kraken did not just wake – The Kraken IS woke 🤗🤗