@bikerevivesheffield Just tried the “put in vice and pull trick”, but it feels stuck fast.
@joat Yes, definitely just push on, have done both sides on the rear and one side on the front, just the disk side front 12mm TA cap wont budge…when you said you’d jiggled around it with a screwdriver, did you mean you drove out the cap from the other side? If i remove the QR cap from the non-disk side I can get something through, but didnt want to risk causing any damage.
Any other Baroudeur owners have any issues with this? I think there was one review on the Chiggle websites where someone else seemed to have this issue. Did make me pause but when they came down to £95 i thought id risk it.
Also, anyone know how to remove the feeehub body on these?
EDIT: just managed to drive out the TA end from the other side, but took a fair bit of force and persuasion! QR 9mm cap dropped in fine…