Had pretty much a week off there, only doing a wee 5k with the wife last monday. Legs been a bit heavy, and my BIL recommended a local sports therapist. 30 quid for a 30 minute consultation, all past injuries etc, then a full hour deep tissue.
**** me that stings a bit.
That was thursday, took friday off, hillwalked saturday and sunday, ran yesterday and fely brilliant. Went out and did a sorta tempo 5k, though never really planned to, just felt great after a mile, only 17 seconds off my PB, then went for mile cool down which turned into 3 as my legs felt brilliant.
I’ll have a few easier runs this week, then it’s 2 half marathons and the 10 miler at Dalbeattie hardrock over the next 4 weeks, feeling well placed for them.
I’m sold on the massage now.