@el-bent 68% of people in the UK and 98% of house purchasers will save money, hardly a right-wing w-fest is it ?
It’s costing £800 million, and doesn’t benefit the 32% of people who aren’t homeowners- a lot of whom can’t afford to be. And no, 68% of people won’t save money. 68% of people own property already, they’ll only make a saving when they buy a house. It looks like that’s in the region of 1.2 million sales per year, though of course that includes buy-to-let, second homes etc.
I approve of making it more progressive and fairer but don’t lose sight that it’s still a tax cut for people who can afford to buy a house, in an attempt to keep the housing bubble rolling and generate big headlines that don’t say “Holy ****! The deficit’s double what you promised it would be 4 years ago in one of your central policies!”