A few maybe know, maybe MCTD expertise….
Son does a few hours a week helping at a bubble tea place, helping out a mate and earning 18yo min wage boosted by the odd free bubble tea from time to time when he’s passing. All legit and on payroll etc. with payslips and p60 (OK the free tea might not be being declared)
He’s recently started a second job kitchen portering – again for a few hours a week, all on payroll etc.
He’s got a 1257L code for the tea job, and pays no tax or deductions ‘cos at £35 a week odd he’s way below threshold.
Just found out that his second job has a second job tax code BR for basic rate so all his income from this is being taxed at 20%.
I get the philosophy is that for most people the first job uses all your allowance up and therefore all the rest can be assumed to be taxable, but even with both he’s below allowance threshold.
Is he going to have to do a tax return or is there another code he should be on / does the tax office make the connection and adjust deductions accordingly?