Home Forums Chat Forum Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross

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  • Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross
  • 4
    Free Member

    People who don’t take their empty glasses back to the bar when they get a fresh pint.

    Free Member

    The butchering of hedges by tractors but it’s all the 2″ bits of hawthorn thrown on to the roads and pavements, not good for cyclists and I’m guessing dogs don’t love it much either

    Full Member

    The hanging of decorations, accessories, ornaments or whatever off draw handles.  Little stuffed, embroidered hearts ‘n’ shit tied on to drawer handles with ribbons. Now whilst these pointless fripperies are attached to drawers belonging to the perpetrator of this tat-crime, they dangle over drawers belonging to me. So that they fall into my drawer when I open it, making impossible to close it without first performing a tat-ectomy.

    The same perpetrator who is biologically incapable of viewing any flat surface in our abode without thinking “every square inch of this needs to covered in chintzy tat”.

    The same one who requires me to spend ten minutes removing a mountain of cushions from the bed or sofa before I can use them.

    Despite this rant, I do really, really like this person. But some days I do find myself perusing the Travis Perkins catalogue for patio slabs.

    Full Member

    off draw handles

    You’re on notice.

    Full Member

    You’re on notice.

    Guilty. Doh! Thanks for drawering my attention to it.

    Free Member

    Despite this rant, I do really, really like this person. But some days I do find myself perusing the Travis Perkins catalogue for patio slabs.

    – insert lol emoji –

    Free Member

    My colleague who blames traffic for them being late every day.  I’m sure there’s a lesson in there they could learn but choose not to.

    Free Member

    Netflix & Amazon TV apps that have to be rebooted telling me that there is a fault either with the app itself or the HDMI cable,  when my cat sits on the sound bar (either changing the mode or turning the power off) to draw my attention to play or treat or feeding times. Youtube & Iplayer don’t have that degree of neediness.

    Free Member

    People who don’t take their empty glasses back to the bar when they get a fresh pint.

    My approach here is wholly dependent on their pricing. If they’re going to charge me seven quid a pint they can come get their own ****ing glasses.

    Living in Salford we regularly get forecasts of “THE WORLD IS ENDING, NECK DEEP SNOW IN WEEK LONG BLIZZARDS” for the entire surrounding area and here, if lucky, we might see a couple of flakes

    I have a friend in Canada. She thinks our approach to snow is utterly hilarious. As you say, 2mm of snow and the world is ending. Over where she lives, it’s considered a light dusting if it’s only halfway up the moose.

    Free Member

    2mm of snow is far more slippery than 2m on many surfaces.

    Free Member

    The hanging of decorations, accessories, ornaments or whatever off draw handles.

    Obligatory “argh” aside,

    “Dangling shit on other shit” seems to be the new sport here. Tea towels threaded through the handle of every drawer which means that aside from being permanently soggy because they’re screwed up, they’re in the way of the cupboard below. I shove it aside to then have the cupboard door snatched out of my hand by a $%^&ing child lock which serves no actual purpose beyond a box-ticking exercise as the kids are never in the kitchen unsupervised or indeed at all. So I yeet the stupid damp pointless irritating bastarding thing across the room and then get told off because it’s a “fire risk” as it landed somewhere vaguely in the same time zone as the toaster which I can only assume is expected to spontaneously switch itself on and combust a wet towel via pyrokinesis.

    I’d go out for a bit of sanity, but getting to my shoes is like running the Krypton Factor assault course. My coat is currently hanging over the back of my office chair because there’s no sodding way I’m getting anywhere near a coat hook without oxygen and a Sherpa, so she’s got me ****ing dangling shit in places they don’t belong now too for gods’ sake.

    Reckon we’ll get a group discount on these patios?

    Full Member

    I have a friend in Canada. She thinks our approach to snow is utterly hilarious.

    It is quite funny… People in the UK tend to think that cars for example, should always drive at the speed limit with no consideration to environmental conditions… And then wonder why they crash or thier RWD car suddenly becomes useless.

    People just don’t know how to drive, and I suspect that also applies to a lot of other areas of their lives!

    I have to say I am guilty of putting cloths on drawer handles as it’s so convenient *

    *but I’m not silly with it, only one at a time, and that one hangs on the oven door handle unless the oven is on… In which case it hangs on the drawer handleabove the dog food cupboard so it never realy causes an obstruction.

    It’s all about having a sound logistical operation.

    Free Member

    emailing me links like

    When I had the keys to STW I used to manually tidy up links like that in posts. There’s no need!

    Free Member

    People in the UK tend to think that cars for example, should always drive at the speed limit with no consideration to environmental conditions…

    Do they?

    It’s all about having a sound logistical operation.

    It’s all about not having a bloody hook somewhere.

    Full Member

    Smelly exercise gear in shared drying cabinet.  Absolutely horrible, not talking a bit of BO, but towels that haven’t been near a washing machine in a long time, enough to singe your nostrils. Also when putting your gear on a shelf, don’t drape it down the cabinet, completely blocking the other two shelves below.  And to the selfish person who has put a shelf on the top rung, only enough for your smelly towel.  This facility is shared.

    Full Member

    LED headlights. Unlike good old fashioned halogen they’ve taken the 1.5 hour drive to work to melt the frost blocking them.

    Full Member

    Having heard yet another of their atonal shouted dirges on 6Music this morning: Sports Team, and all the feckless half-wit “music influencers” who for some reason given them any kind of airtime whatsoever.

    They were the ones who released the shouty atonal dirge “here’s the thing” several years back. And no, it apparently wasn’t a one-off novelty record

    Full Member

    Talking of 6Music… their penchant for playing jazz. For some reason the sound of it just winds me up. I know I should follow the hipster crowd and pretend to like it, but it all sounds shite, especially the new stuff.

    Free Member

    “Please may you…”

    No, may should only ever be followed by I in a question.

    Free Member

    Programmer Schoolboy Error Of The Day:

    I just closed the development tool, it went “do you want to save changes?” so I said “yes.”

    Then I thought “hang on, I haven’t made any changes.”

    The bloody cat’s been sat on the keyboard. My code is absolutely bolloxed.

    Free Member

    “Please may you…”

    Yeah, this is oddly common, heard it from enough supposedly educated people to question whether I learned writing right. I think it means “I’d really like you to do something but realise we both know I’m effectively powerless to insist upon it.”

    Free Member

    “the cat”, my eye…:D

    Been there, done that (not the cat)

    Clicked yes, hang on? What changes? Arse….:(

    Took bloody ages to unpick.

    Full Member

    Losing friends to online conspiracy wormholes they’re never climbing out of

    Full Member

    People who are allegedly trying to sell a bike who put up a few pictures, taken in the dark, 3 of which show the same bit of the bike, and don’t show any of the drivetrain, and the description doesn’t mention what any of the components are. I’ve had a search for a Fat CAAD for years now, one finally came up and the listing is as described above.

    My disproportionate crossness is only slightly reduced by the picture being good enough to see that it doesn’t have a Lefty, so I’m not interested anyway.

    Full Member

    LED headlights. Unlike good old fashioned halogen they’ve taken the 1.5 hour drive to work to melt the frost blocking them

    Just LED headlights in general.

    Oh and folks who don’t clear their lights before setting off.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    L1 HUE not cool driving in the gutter full of water and wet slush when you’re the only car on the road and people are walking on the pavement.

    Full Member

    Programmer Schoolboy Error Of The Day:

    I just closed the development tool, it went “do you want to save changes?” so I said “yes.”

    Then I thought “hang on, I haven’t made any changes.”

    The bloody cat’s been sat on the keyboard. My code is absolutely bolloxed.

    That’s what version history is for, it’s like having a backup 😉

    Full Member


    Clearly not dearly then.

    Full Member

    People who use things only to leave them in a state no longer ready for use:

    not charging things

    not emptying the vacuum cleaner

    not putting consumables that have run out on the shopping list

    not fuelling the car

    Full Member

    People being surprised they have to get their payment out after queuing for ages to buy something.

    Also parking at a fuel pump, doing their weekly shop without actually buying fuel, whist people are waiting to get to a fuel pump.

    Full Member

    Ambiguity in communication.

    There’s no need!

    No need for what! To post the entire link with tracking information or to edit it down to it’s essence!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Which!?!?!?!?


    Full Member

    PIR switches.

    Always watching your every move. 🙁

    Free Member

    The feeling that I ought to be doing something productive when I’m perfectly content staring out of a window or similar.

    Full Member

    Booked a ticket at a big screen cinema .

    I thought that as it was an action film,the scenes would bloke out the noise of any nearby feeding frenzy.

    Wrong,what an idiot .

    I was disproportionately cross at myself for falling into the trap.

    Free Member

    The sun making an appearance on Monday morning after heavy rain the entire weekend.

    Full Member

    nearby feeding frenzy.

    Oh, so very much this. WTF is it that makes people want to go to the cinema and consume what appears to be a three course meal ?

    I mean, I like a tub of popcorn and a Pepsi max, but I see people teetering towards their seats balancing several trays of steaming nachos, main courses and puddings, and then proceed to munch and slurp their way through the first twenty minutes of the showing.

    (I come from a generation where a meal is a meal, eating between meals was frowned upon, and eating in the street was an absolute no-no)

    Full Member

    I cycle commute quite a bit and drive quite a bit and I am generally pretty impressed at quality of other driving on the road, I rarely find a reason to be cross. However, I am currently going out with my daughter in the car she is learning to drive. There is something about a driver with L plates on the road which makes so many other drivers impatient, aggressive and down right dangerous. For the sake of my daughter I try to stay calm but it is testing me.

    Full Member

    “Can I get…?” uttered by customers in a retail setting, most commonly cafes/coffee houses.

    NO! The person serving can get you whatever you want. You can not.

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