My wife crashed pretty badly yesterday, knocked herself out & a precautionary trip to hospital.
I’d guess it was quite a high energy crash then.
Her bars took a pretty bad hit, twisted around and one of the levers was twisted right around.
That doesn’t sound *that* clever, using the bars as a lever to rotate the stem on the steerer, then spinning the brake lever round as well. (Probably caught the end of the lever, so a bit of a vigorous bending moment while it goes).
I’d replace them.
But it’s why my bars are all aluminium. (Which also breaks I know)
Trade off innit, aluminium is pretty obvious for breaks/damage in the event of a crash, but bloody awful in fatigue (almost perfect one moment, the next you’re eating the top of your stem).
Carbon really doesn’t have a fatigue limit, unless it’s incredibly fragile/light (or badly designed), and (IME) makes lots of noise when it does starts to go. But it’s possible to damage it really badly and have (almost) no visible tells…