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  • Q for captainmainwaring/anybody who has ridden around Glen Tilt
  • duckman
    Full Member

    You passed my duke of embra group in September having done the loop round the back of Bienn a Ghlo/falls of Tarf. We are heading up there this weekend, any advice? The route is described in one of the guide books, but how did you find it? I have walked the back path as far as Shinagag, but the rest up to the falls is a bit of a mystery to me.

    Full Member

    Go anti-clockwise!

    There's a GPS-track here:

    Free Member

    duckman, that was me that bumped into you at the Falls of Tarf.

    It's pretty easy to find. Take the track going up the hill to the left just before you get to the Shinagag ruins. At the top of that rise the main track bears to the right round the woods – just as it bears round the path you need kind of goes straight ahead, over the ditch.

    It's then pretty obvious boggy going down to the crossing of the Allt Loch Valligan. Once over the burn there is no obvious path, so just contour up the hill until you find the very obvious track along the side of the Sron na h-Innearach.

    After that just follow the track to Daidu and turn left to Fearlar Lodge. At the lodge I went over the burn then turned left along in front of the buildings and through the gate. About 50m up the slope you will pick up the track going off to the left.

    Only major potential problem is if it has been raining a lot you may not be able to get across the Allt Garbh Buidhe just before the Tarf bridge

    Edit – definitely do it anti-clockwise, as recommended by Kenny Wilson

    Edit again – am I going mad or did you originally have other captain in the thread title?

    Full Member

    Err,other captain, till I remembered that you had posted on a thread about the tilt ages ago. I will take the advice about anti-clockwise as well,gives me more shelter and an easier route for the route back.Thanks for taking the time to answer

    Full Member

    I thought the whole section from Shinagag to the Norh side of Sron na h-Innearach was quite tricky navigation.

    I didn't see any sign of a path from Shinagag, but just before you reach the farm buildings you can see a style up on the hill to your left.

    Once across the burn this was what I followed in June. I imagine it'll be even less distinct in the winter.


    As long as you can place which hill is which just follow your nose.

    I bumped into a guy off here who had got it wrong and hiked over the top!

    Full Member

    LOL Ally that was me! That turn is easy to miss. Great ride though.

    Free Member

    Allyharp, thinking about it again, you are probably right that the clearly marked track going up the hill to the left from just before Shinagag is not so clear on the ground but is noticeable once you start heading up to the gate/stile. The track after the gate is more obvious, but you leave it almost immediately, going kind of straight on as it bends to the right. You then pick up the path per your photo.

    Your photo is the Shinagag side of the burn and the path is quite distinct. Once over the burn you kind of have to follow your nose to pick up the path on the NW side of Sron na h-Innearach

    Full Member

    +1 for Anticlockwise….

    Full Member

    Actually also thinking back; I found the the left hander up the hill at shinagag fine but couldn't find the branch off which goes left (954677?), think having my eye on a peregrine didnt help 🙄 and so went to the east of Meall Breac and then traversed across the moor! 😳

    Silly mistake but a great day in glorious sunshine.

    Some pics:

    Path from Daldu to Fealar lodge

    Allyharp (on path from Fealar lodge)

    Glen tilt

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