I started playing pokemon in June with my 9v and 7 yo girls. The aim was as motivation to get them on walks, as a way to earn their beavers/cubs collectors badges, and as a way to get their map reading skills improving. 15 weeks on they are addicted, it’s something we enjoy together, and I’m enjoying it too.
Any other players here? Anyone want to share tips? We reached level 33 last week, tonight we managed to evolve our first dynamax charizard and our first dynamax venosaur, both 3 star. Progressing well I think although coming to understand some of the newbie mistakes we’ve made along the way. When we got the charizard we had to try a 3 star falinks dynamax battle and….. promptly got smushed.
At level 33 will it be possible to take a falinks or beldum? We’ve got decent dubwools, gredents and a chameleon as well, plus enough candy that the new dynamax scorbunny, grokey and soble won’t take us long to evolve to end of line.
Or is soloing these 3 star dynamax pokemon just beyond us until we get to higher levels?