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  • Just been totally shafted by my boss…
  • bigyinn
    Free Member

    Oh and I left there the next year.

    Full Member

    Just a thought.

    it was only a question of time…

    Free Member

    19 times a day for the average guy that thought.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t matter how or why really, but I have bascially had 1.5 days of holiday taken off me

    I think it does matter how or why. No employer just ‘does’ these things without their (even wrong) reasons.

    more info please!

    Free Member

    If you take shit, you will be given shit. Just depends on how much you want to take.

    Free Member

    G) Get job in public sector. They do nothing, apparently. 😉

    Bigyinn, you weren’t working for a certain engineering company beginning with S in Cowes by any chance?

    Brings back unhappy memories for me. Similar experiences.

    Free Member

    dave, sounds a bit like trainfalls? Nope. Although I am of the Island.
    It was a telecoms company formerly of Gosport.

    Full Member

    This wouldn’t work the other way around would it? Imagine approaching the company and suggesting that they pay you for 1.5 days extra work and at some point in the future you may or may not give them some of your time/expertise.

    FFS. Companies take the piss. Yes we need jobs, but some companies forget that this is a 2 way street. If they are taking advantage, make that a 2 way street as well by some sly WFH if they aren’t going to recognize your work.


    Yep thats the one 😈

    Was phoned at home the day after Boxing Day, told to come in on Xmas shutdown and work for no pay and lose my leave as well.

    You can imagine my response. Contributed to my redundancy 4 months later.

    Free Member

    GW – Member

    I predict the next person to post will be TJ

    Posted 3 hours ago # Report-Post

    TandemJeremy – Member


    I love this forum. 😆

    Free Member

    GW could have posted something, then seen TJ post and changed his original post. Although TJ is pretty predictable…….

    Free Member

    Share her work e-mail with the forum?

    Ideally with pictures.

    Full Member

    Shafted is being told that you are essential to your team and irreplacable, and that therefore you can’t apply for voluntary redundancy and that any application you make to any job elsewhere in the company will be spiked because they can’t consider letting you move… Then 2 weeks later told that you’re underperforming in an annual review.

    Actually, to be fair, shafted is also what happened to my boss after that. Bit of a mutual shafting really.

    Free Member

    I was once due half a day holiday in a place i once worked (not a bike shop) The woman that worked out wages/holidays passed the message on to a guy that worked below her to let me know that they wouldnt pay half days,only full days. I asked him why it was o.k. to round down the number of days.. but not round them up. He spoke to her the next day and i recall it going back and forth between the three of us before i said to him that i could show her how to calculate 0.5 of a days wages if its a problem. (head office was 40 miles away)

    He got back to me and said they would pay it.

    Full Member


    Free Member

    I do something similar but given that i get a nice bonus at the end of the year I don’t mind plus it keeps me employed and an asset to it as well. Saying that my boss would give me some kind of reward like early finishes or something

    Free Member


    Free Member

    B and F

    Free Member

    Remember it next time she asks you to do a project.

    Free Member

    I got shafted out of 1k salary increase once. Talked to my boss and he sorted me out some unofficial leave to make up for it. Talking often helps.

    Of course agreeing to do something for free without agreeing any possible payout/compensation terms means you sort of shafted yourself. Life’s a learning experience tho.

    Free Member

    B and J?

    Free Member

    Life’s shit, no?
    I probably do an extra day and a half at work most week and I’m currently working an hour and a half away from my office (normally a 20 minute cycle rude away). It’s tedious but these things happen.

    Free Member

    I’d just take it on the chin and rack it up to experience.
    In the future just don’t put yourself in the same situation by offering to lose your holidays in the first place.

    If it makes you feel better and you can work from home then i’d do that for a couple of days so you feel that the balanced has been addressed and then move on and out it behind you.

    Full Member

    In situations like this, there’s only one place to turn…

    Sadly, whoever posted it cut half Edward Norton’s dialogue out, but you might want to adapt it to a UK/STW context anyway

    “and stalk from office to office with a pair of Bombers, battering the crap out of colleagues and co-workers. This might be someone you’ve known for years. Someone very, very close to you.”

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