It is a local folder. My Shared Documents are on a separate physical drive in my PC. The offending folder(s) are within Shared Music within the Shared Docs. If I open up Shared Music within Explorer all folders up to those beginning with “K” are visible and then I can see individual files. My music folders are organised by artist.
At first I thought I’d accidently deleted/moved those from “K” onwards, but when I did a search (using Google Desktop) for, for example, Killing In the Name By R[/u]age Against the Machine, not only did it find the file, but I could open and view the folder (album) in Explorer (right click -> open containing folder). I could even go up a level to “Artist” folder, but if I then went back up another level (still in Explorer) to “Shared Music” I could then no longer view the folder for “Rage Against the Machine”.
Hope this makes sense and hope someone can help. Everything works, but this is very odd