yeah, for example you can put 20k into an ISA on march 29th, and put another 20k into the same ISA on april 6th as its a new tax year.
But then you are maxed out for another 12 months for any ISA, but you can then put another 20k in april 6th 2025… so if you are worried about paying tax on interest on other money in other savings, you can put up to 50k into premium bonds.
If you have more money than that, then you might be best off talking to a financial advisor.
Some ISAs don’t allow ‘transfers in’, what this refers to is porting an ISA from one provider over to another ISA provider, you can still transfer money in from your current account, or a regular savings account, etc. just not from one ISA to another one, as long as you don’t put more than 20k a year into any ISA, as that’s the max.