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  • Integration help
  • Waderider
    Free Member

    Any mathematicians on-line today? I need assistance with a question, involving integration using substitution. I can do every example I have except this one. I keep on looking back to the rules of logarithms as I think that is a way forward but I can’t get it.

    So, can anyone tell me the steps to the resolution of integral 3^x dx? Unusually Wolfram Alpha doesn’t help. I know the answer is 1/ln3.3^x+c.

    The integration tables that I am meant to be using do not deal with this example, so I need to know how to rearrange the integrand. This is what I want help with!

    Thanks, in anticipation.

    Free Member

    Think of it like this



    then you can integrate

    1/ln3 * 3^x + c

    Sorry if it doesn’t make much sense, I just woke up.

    Free Member

    Spot on realman, easy-as when you know how. Thanks.

    Free Member

    Can I go back to bed then..

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