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  • How do i post pics?
  • NorthCountryBoy
    Free Member

    As above really thinkin of selling a bike and wanted to post

    Full Member

    get photo onto internet (fotopic/where-ever that does not require a login – ei: facebook is no good)
    Get the url of the photo by right clicking on it and click properties – the web page address is usually not the one you need!
    At this point you could press “img” at the top of the posting window, enter the url and then press “/img” to finish it or manually
    [ img]your URL here[ /img] – (but removeing the extra space between the brackets)

    Full Member

    This is one of my bikes: http://paul2324.fotopic.net/p38357554.html
    This is the url of the actual picture: http://images5.fotopic.net/?iid=yl6ful&outx=760&quality=70
    at this point, I must mention fotopic have an annoying habit of dropping in a number after the word “images”, remove this to make it work
    ei: http://images.fotopic.net/?iid=yl6ful&outx=760&quality=70

    With the webpage URL I get
    [ img]http://paul2324.fotopic.net/p38357554.html[/img]

    & with the unedited fotopic URL
    [ img]http://images5.fotopic.net/?iid=yl6ful&outx=760&quality=70[/img]
    I get:

    but with the edited url
    [ img]http://images.fotopic.net/?iid=yl6ful&outx=760&quality=70[/img]
    I get:

    Free Member

    can you post pics from flickr? i dont seem to get my head around it. i’ve done as above, but with no joy

    Free Member

    Yes you can from flickr – right click the picture, properties, copy the image address upto the end of .jpg and do as above.

    NB flickr rules say you should put a link to the image as well

    Free Member

    i can get fotopic images to work but not picasa ones…..

    Free Member

    here’s one from flickr, and it still aint workin>>>

    Free Member

    oh, its working now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    pure strangness

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