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  • Have we hit peak humanity?
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    I’m sure that in the 1930’s as the nazi war machine rampaged across europe things looked pretty hopeless but people fought on, persevered and things improved.

    As far as I can see TJ is the only one here doing any actual persevering and fighting on, by adjusting his life to address the challenges. The rest of you/us are just doing what we always do and hoping that someone else figures out a solution.

    Full Member

    I’m in a perfectly fine place, tired of the usual suspects dominating threads with their same 3 arguments on repeat like a Poundland pundit.

    Yawn. Have you considered not clicking the links? It’s really quite easy.

    Free Member

    Christ. To clarify the “Ease off” post I was referring to tj’s end of the world predictions and the misery there-in; and suggesting that we maybe ease off him a bit before we push him further into the pit. That back-fired. I won’t bother next time a thread descends into a kicking contest.

    Full Member

    Brian – I appreciate the sentiment but I am perfectly aware that making controversial points will get me a kicking – live by the sword and all that.  I am not wallowing in misery nor does this thread increase it.  Just a bit frustrated at the head in the sand attitude from many.

    Full Member

    Thanks for that link TJ.

    It’s about a whole host of possible tipping points that are likely in quite short timespans on our current course. Worth a quick read by everyone.

    Full Member

    Its worth noting that 1.5c is already baked in.  2 minimum if we follow COP which no one is doing.  2.5 on our current trajectory minimum rise

    That article is just what i was saying and getting a kicking for

    Full Member

    That article is just what i was saying and getting a kicking for

    Well firstly you weren’t getting a kicking, some of us just had a different opinion. Secondly we weren’t disagreeing (at least I wasn’t) on the scale and seriousness of the problem, but the approach to solving it. Telling everyone that they have to give up their modern lives and go back to living a life of poverty and struggle isn’t a solution and will only deliver the outcome you want to avoid. Your fire and brimstone approach only achieves fatalism, resentment and inaction.

    Full Member

    It’s interesting that Bruce spent 5 pages suggesting that the boomers were to blame and then posted a link that points out that the young are pretty enthusiastic about a bit of fascism as long as they can get their fix of consumer goods.

    I think TJ is probably right as things stand today. If there isn’t some massive technological change, we’ll never hit that 11 billion in 2100, we’ll be down to about 4 billion wandering around in the smoking ruins. Or some of us might be saved by a proper pandemic that kills 70% of us.  But we won’t go on ‘as things stand today’ – things will change, and as some of the optimists have said, people are capable of extraordinary things when their backs are to the wall. All we can do as citizens (or subjects, if you’re in the UK) is keep up the political pressure on governments to actually do something.

    Free Member

    A proper pandemic would be natures way of dealing with it and ultimately save mankind from itself. Imagine if Covid had a 90% fatality rate for example.

    Full Member

    Well firstly you weren’t getting a kicking, some of us just had a different opinion.

    How would you describe this then?

    I have no idea why you’re so tolerated and why others excuse your behaviour.

    Calling for TJ not to be tolerated, and liked by 5 other people, can fairly be described as a kicking imo.

    I don’t know why you are being so dismissive Daz, it brought the thread to a halt.

    Full Member

    Calling for TJ not to be tolerated, and liked by 5 other people, can fairly be described as a kicking imo.

    Maybe that was because TJ was doing some kicking himself? Anyway, that wasn’t me, and you should know what my opinion is of those on here who constantly try to cancel others. As far as I’m concerned as long as it’s not racists or conspiracy nuts spreading hate or misinformation then people should be able to say what the hell they like on here.

    Back on topic though, what the reaction to TJ’s views does demonstrate is my point that if you try to guilt-trip people into doing something which isn’t necessarily their fault or something they didn’t have any control over, then they’ll probably tell you to f-off and you’ll get the opposite result to the one you wanted.

    Full Member

    The point is dazh that continuing as we are will lead to eco collapse.   Your approach will inevitability lead to it.  

    Im not trying to guilt trip.  I am trying to get folk to understand the seriousness of the crisis which you keep dowplaying

    I probably needed a bit of a kick to shut up and stop belabouring the point.  Could gave been a bit gentler mind you


    Full Member

    people are capable of extraordinary things when their backs are to the wall

    Who are these people and when are they going to get started? Clock’s ticking!

    Full Member

    Im not trying to guilt trip. I am trying to get folk to understand the seriousness of the crisis which you keep dowplaying

    Trying to terrify everyone into action won’t work either, because as we’ve seen on this thread they’ll become fatalistic and think there’s nothing that can be done. The scientists and politicians would be better off just quietly getting on with whatever it is that needs doing whether the voting public like it or not.

    Full Member

    politicians would be better off just quietly getting on with whatever it is that needs doing whether the voting public like it or not.

    Sure but we have this pesky thing called “democracy”.

    Full Member

    Quietly doesn’t mean in secret.

    And pretending it’s for the public to make changes, rather than politicians to make the decisions, is a road to nowhere.

    We can all do small things, governments and international bodies need to do the big things, and fast.

    Full Member

    And pretending it’s for the public to make changes, rather than politicians to make the decisions, is a road to nowhere.

    Surely politicians should be making a case for serious action and then the public voting on it. Isn’t that how this thing is supposed to work? Instead politicians are weaponising the issue to try to keep their scrawny necks in power a bit longer. 

    How would you describe this then?

    I have no idea why you’re so tolerated and why others excuse your behaviour.

    Calling for TJ not to be tolerated, and liked by 5 other people, can fairly be described as a kicking imo.

    Looks like a question to me, you, as per usual you infer or add your own slant; something you have form for.

    Nowhere did I call for anyone to be ‘not tolerated’ if I did, you’d know as it would be explicit.

    And if you think that’s a kicking, you need to have a word with yourself and question why your resilience is so low and your perspective and ability to read objectively is so distorted.

    But I expect nothing less from you Ernie, you behaviour in the forums is hardly a stellar example of integrity.

    Free Member

    That article is just what i was saying and getting a kicking for

    And articles like that have been failing for decades.

    Free Member

    It’s worth bearing in mind that the “tipping” events referred to may take hundreds or even thousands of years to actually happen.

    Free Member

    It’s interesting that Bruce spent 5 pages suggesting that the boomers were to blame and then posted a link that points out that the young are pretty enthusiastic about a bit of fascism as long as they can get their fix of consumer goods.

    Congratulations on missing every point, everywhere, all at once.  Both the ones I was making, the ones in the article, and probably even more on top of that.

    Must have took some effort.

    Full Member

    I’m with Tja. The time for action to avoid all the predicted disasters has passed, if we act now both at global level and as individuals we might be able to ameliorate some of the disasters that are now inevitable.We may even avoid some as yet unforeseen consequences of climate change.

    Free Member

    I think there is a way to go yet. Interestingly, population growth is not coming from more babies being born, but better survival rates. 

    Full Member

    Herbert Kickl, the man tasked with forming a new coalition in Austria, openly advocates the “remigration of uninvited strangers”. 


    It is a momentous chance for Kickl and his party, founded in 1956 by former Nazi officials. By all standards, it represents the far-right’s most realistic chance to reach the Austrian Chancellery for the first time since the Second World War.

    Even Nigel Farage dares not use crass racist and sinister terminology such as “remigration of uninvited strangers”.

    Full Member

    you sure about that?

    Breaking Point (UKIP poster) – Wikipedia

    Full Member

    I am sure that Nigel Farage is a racist. I am also sure that he moderates his language in public so not appear to be one, it wouldn’t go down well with a lot of UK voters.

    When was the last time you heard the term “remigration” used by a high profile UK politician?

    The neo-nazis who is about to become the next Prime Minister of Austria clearly doesn’t feel the same pressure to be more subtle.

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