Hi all. Looking for recommendations for footwear for hammering out miles (walking – my running days are long gone).
My Hoka Anacapas have come to the end of their life and I’m looking for a replacement. I’ve been a Hoka fan for a few years now, but find that I’m getting through them quite quickly so am interested in what else might suit my needs.\
I use these shoes for work. As a postie I do around 75 miles per week, mostly on hard surfaces, but maybe 10% on tracks/grass/sand (I’m lucky to have rural/coastal rounds). I have moderate to severe arthritis in one foot, and moderate arthritis in the other foot and one knee, so cushioning and comfort is really important for me. I’m also out in all weathers so decent waterproofing is also important (something even the Goretex Hokas have dissapointed on).
I find Hokas really comfortable – really cannot fault them on that score. However they don’t seem particularly durable. All my Hokas have started splitting, losing tread and generally fraying in the first 2 or 3 weeks of ownership, which is hard to take at £150+ per pair!
My priorities are
1. comfort
2. waterproofing
3. grip (on decking, leaves, mud, dogshit, oil… you name it)
4. longevity
I appreciate that this might be moon-on-a-stick territory, but I’m happy to pay top whack for shoes. I guess its analagous to a sharp suit if you work in “business”.
Would be really interested in other people’s experiences. Thanks in advance!
ETA: I know shoe buying is hugely personal, but I live in a bit of an outpost so can’t really walk into a shop which will offer loads of different makes to try on so hearing your experiences is massively helpful.