I find myself avoiding quite a few fims because I can just tell that they are going to leave me flat. Avatar 2? haven’t bothered watching it. – similarly anything from Netflix is viewed with deep sceptisism. I actually quite enjoyed Fury Road – but haven’t watched Furiosa yet, as I fear it’s going to be poor.
Recent exceptions are Dune 2 – really enjoyed it. Saw it at the cinema – loved every moment, and the new Mission Impossible one. i know some people hate it, but I really enjoyed it.
The film so bad it made me genuinely angry was that Zack Snyder “army of the dead” movie. Just terrible – you could write a film studies thesis on everything wrong with that absolute steaming pile of cinematic manure. A large number of things didn’t make any sense at all (and not in a sneering “film critic” way….. they just didn’t make any logical sense) – I’m all for suspending reality/switching off you brain for some movies – but this stuff jarred so much it really made the plot impossible to engage with, and there were a significant number of plot points which seemed to just get initiated, and then forgotten about…. “hang on, what happened to xyz?”. And not in a way which makes you wonder/leaves it open to interpretation….. it just felt like there were no adults in the editing suite at all. Shite.