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  • Donald! Trump!
  • kimbers
    Full Member

    I agree with chewk; paying off porn stars with campaign funds & collaborating with a foreign power to smear your opponent is quite ‘different’

    Free Member

    Different administrations do things differently.

    I’m calling Godwin!

    Full Member

    I’m calling Godwin!

    “I’m afraid Mr Godwin is busy right now, if you’d like to leave a message after the tone he’ll get right back to you”.

    Free Member

    And now it seems his supreme court nomination has some #metoo problems all.going well there.

    Free Member

    So now we know why Flump is so obsessed with nuclear weapons.

    He has a mushroom of his own. Bit undersized though, apparently…  😉

    Free Member

    Like a toadstool, i am expecting him to Nuke North Korea to compensate for this.

    Full Member

    He has a mushroom of his own.

    Stormy certainly knows exactly how to push his buttons.

    Full Member

    And, against advice, it looks like Rosenstein is about to be given the shove…things are about to get very warm indeed.

    Full Member

    he could have a lot of dirt on Trump & hes mentioned recordings before.

    I suppose Trump is one step closer to firing Mueller now, too

    Full Member

    Yup,make way for Francisco

    They think Francisco would have two options as Mueller’s new boss: He could keep the status quo and allow Mueller to continue the investigation, or he could choose to curtail Mueller’s mandate or even shut down the investigation.

    From Vox ^^

    Full Member

    I see the United Nations are now openly laughing at him:


    Full Member

    No Donald, they’re laughing at you, not with you…

    Free Member

    He doesn’t care, he got on TV again. He probably has it on a loop this evening

    Full Member


    guess that’s him pulling out of or trying to destroy the UN now…

    Free Member

    guess that’s him pulling out

    Well it shouldn’t be too difficult apart from the umbrella effect…

    Free Member

    They laughed out of respect https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5bab7019e4b0f143d10ee8f4/amp

    Free Member

    It’s often what I do…..

    Full Member

    They laughed out of respect

    Yeah I saw that one.


    US Ambassador Nikki Haley desperately grasping for a positive spin for Fox & Friends, no matter how absurd it is.

    “They loved how honest he is,” Haley said. “It’s not diplomatic and they find it funny. … When he goes and he is very truthful, they kind of were taken back by it.”

    Yeah that’ll be it right enough. Definitely not that they think he is a massive orange bellend who lies almost every time he opens his mouth.

    Full Member

    Almost? I’d double check the time if he said ‘Good Morning’ to me!

    Free Member

    Trump later told reporters that his boastful comment was meant to draw laughter.

    “Oh, it was great,” he said. “Well, that was meant to get some laughter, but it was great.”

    Apparently he meant to get the reaction he didn’t expect

    Full Member

    Just seen him accuse China of election meddling in the mid terms at the UN to the apparent bafflement of the Chinese delegation…


    Free Member

    Is that in case the drop too many seats and can claim it was the Chinese who won it for them

    Like my favourite quote about Sepp Blatter

    “He has 99 ideas a day,

    100 of them are bad”

    Free Member

    What would you say to his face if you had the chance (and gripped his little paw hard enough to hurt, obvs)?

    I’d probably go with: “Jesus loves you (pause), everybody else thinks you’re a c**t”. 😃

    Free Member

    Jesus thinks you’re a c**t so does everybody else.  Apart from the other c**ts and they’re not sure, they just like your money.

    Free Member

    “Bet that was a great night in Moscow”

    Smile and walk away

    Free Member

    Mr Big Brain to you!

    Full Member

    I still find the “ME ME ME” narrative of Trump’s press conferences just astonishing.

    When asked about Kavanaugh’s alleged conduct, he responds by talking about women who’ve accused him.When asked questions about North Korea, he asserts that without him, the US would be a war with North Korea right now (yeah, he actually said that)  In answers about the trade war he’s conducting with China, he suggests that all trade experts thinks he’s very smart…and on and on and on.

    The man is the president, you literally can’t go higher in the US, and yet his ego is so fragile that he still can’t help justifying himself either through obviously check-able made up Trump “facts” or just flat out lies, it’s just weird.

    Free Member

    bigbutslimmerbloke wins the internetz!  😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Full Member

    ‘Nice to meet you. What’s your name? I see. And what do you do for a living, Mr Trump? No, you must’ve misheard. What do you really do?’

    Full Member

    There’s a lot of people making money out of writing books about Trump

    Funny that his crowning achievement will be the creation of an entire new genre of literature devoted to exposing just how stupid and vain he is.

    Free Member

    Bloopers reel from his UN chat with the media…


    …Its not a bloopers reel at all.

    Free Member

    Frankly, that link of Trump that Jolmes posted is terrifying!

    Full Member

    Frankly, that link of Trump that Jolmes posted is terrifying!

    With a couple of his statements I did have to glance at the screen to see if it had swapped up to some stand up comic mimicking him.

    Free Member

    There’s nothing like planning is there…


    Bannon later told friends. “I go, ‘Holy ****, this guy [Trump] doesn’t know anything. And he doesn’t give a shit.’”

    Full Member

    I had known about the ‘no one turned up till inauguration day’ thing, but ****ing hell.

    As much as most take the piss out of the civil service, at least we don’t change it every time a new PM comes in…

    Full Member

    <div class=”bbp-reply-author”>dissonance
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    With a couple of his statements I did have to glance at the screen to see if it had swapped up to some stand up comic mimicking him.

    Like a really bad impersonation


    Full Member

    well whether hes a rapist or not (tho his accuser seemed pretty convincing)  you can see why Trump likes Kavanagh: abraisive, self-centred & shouts down people who dare to criticise him

    Free Member

    Well after a bit of consideration the NYT gave me an idea of something Trump has accomplished


    Well I think at this point he has kicked off and woken up a power and a fury in the US and possibly gone a long way to start breaking up the old white man monopoly that has locked down politics in the US

    I don’t think this was in his plan though

    Full Member

    NSFW as sweary, but hilarious…


    Full Member

    There’s a horse loose in a hospital

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