I think I might refrain from trying to post pictures of pretty sporty ladies, in light of what happened. 😯
Can I just say, that I completely agree with, and respect the decisions taken by the moderators of this site. I’m glad that immediate action was taken, to limit the ‘damage’ caused.
I must be the only person not to see the offending image. For which I suppose I’m grateful.
I still have no idea as to how it happened. I suppose it’s only other people who viewed the thread could actually see it, anyway, and that I, as the poster, would never see it.
I’m using a Mac, with Safari. Would this make any difference? Naturally, had I seen the offending image appear on the thread, in place of the one I intended, I would have removed the link straight away. I thought Brant’s first comment was a joke, tbh; relating to the scary Hellraiser image!
I’d be grateful if someone could advise me on how to check images in future. As already mentioned; Preview would not have worked, in this case.
(Goes off to look at pictures of plain ladies, in baggy clothing, just to be on the safe side)