Home Forums Bike Forum Apex vs (4700) Tiagra

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  • Apex vs (4700) Tiagra
  • deft
    Free Member

    Anyone have an opinion on Apex vs Tiagra shifters? Always gone with Shimano but I’ve never had STIs so wondering if Apex is worth the little bit extra. Views on SRAM’s double tap seem mixed but they are lighter and seem a bit more refined.

    I’d like the option for a wider range on my tourer so it’s either 10sp Apex with a 10sp X7/X9 mech, or 10sp Tiagra with an XT 9sp mech.


    Full Member

    Watch out!! 10 speed tiagra 4700 uses a wildly different pull ratio to all other shimano road 10 speed and MTB 9 speed, so your plan to use 9 speed MTB won’t work.

    4700 rear mechs are the only ones supposed to be compatible, but I’ve heard mumblings folk are using 11 speed road mechs OK.

    The good news is 4700 rear mechs can handle much bigger cassettes than road mechs traditionally could.

    Full Member

    Ref apex vs tiagra, entirely down to personal preference on the very different shifting action. SRAM double tap uses one lever, you push it different amounts to go up or down. Shimano sti uses two levers for each direction, one of which is the brake lever.

    Free Member

    I’ve had older Tiagra and have Apex now, have to say now I’m used to the SRAM shifters I do prefer them, nicer looking groupo IMHO as well.

    Cheers, Steve

    Free Member

    Glad I asked now, wouldn’t have known that about the 4700 cable pull! The ‘exact actuation’ thing seems a bit more appealing now

    Free Member

    Pointless going for either when 5800 105 is the same price.

    Free Member

    Tiagra 4600 shifters/mechs don’t play well with Tiagra 4700 shifters/mechs

    Free Member

    Any disadvantages or pitfalls to going 11sp? I was looking at 10sp as I have a couple of spare cassettes, but 5800 does work out a fair bit cheaper

    Free Member

    Slightly more expensive running costs but no major issues.

    Tiagra 4700 mech can go up to a 34t on the bike so has a decent range without needing a MTB mech.

    Full Member

    Any disadvantages or pitfalls to going 11sp

    Are your current hubs 11 speed compatible or just 10 speed? If 10 speed, you’ll need at least a new freewheel body, possibly rear hub.

    Free Member

    My bike has SRAM Apex, and I recently hired a new bike with Shimano 105.

    The hoods on the 105 were more comfortable. The gear change was silky smooth in comparison, almost a bit non mechanical and the Apex is more positive if it makes sense.

    I didn’t like how the brake lever on 105 moves so much when you grab it to brake (as after all you move it to change gear) but you would get used to that.

    Overall though I think 105 was the nicer experience but just not a mechanical type feeling…

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