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Stubborn belly fat ...

Stubborn belly fat in your forties

Full Member

Kale is delicious!

No, it is not. Kale is a punishment beating in vegetable form.

Posted : 08/02/2024 1:12 pm
Free Member

Grow lots of kale in the garden, it makes a fantastic pesto (might be the most middle class thing i've ever said after offering to smoosh, not smash, daughters avocado!)

Posted : 08/02/2024 3:25 pm
Free Member

I so wish I had properly documented my ~20Kg weight loss to ~73Kg from June '16 to August '17 in my mid forties.

Now back up to ~93Kg, not helped by being unable to exercise anywhere near as hard or as often over the last ~16 months, as well as the medication I've been taking for the last year.

Posted : 08/02/2024 3:34 pm
Full Member

Kale is excellent in minestrone.

Posted : 08/02/2024 3:40 pm
Free Member

Kale is great in fish curries.

Posted : 08/02/2024 3:50 pm
Full Member

Kale is great in fish curries.

And in veggie curries

Posted : 08/02/2024 3:53 pm
Full Member


Posted : 08/02/2024 3:56 pm
leffeboy and scotroutes reacted
Full Member

Kale is great just sat in a field where it grows. Who on earth was eating cabbage and thought - 'you know what, we really need to eat something tougher and less tasty than this!'.

Posted : 08/02/2024 4:00 pm
scotroutes and nickc reacted

Full Member
Topic starter

Kale sauteed in a bit of butter, olive oil, salt, pepper and a splash of balsamic vinegar is very tasty. My wife and kids like it baked and crispy with almonds and sesame seeds which aint bad.

Kale was apparently very popular in Scotland in the past as it's so hardy and nutritios.

Posted : 08/02/2024 4:01 pm
fasthaggis reacted
Full Member

Kale is full of anti nutrients, lectins and oxalates. Humans can’t digest fibre so it basically passes straight through doing not much good in the process.

Have some eggs instead.

Posted : 08/02/2024 4:02 pm
Full Member

uh huh, but then the Scots pretend to enjoy porridge, so I'll not be taking culinary advice from them.

Posted : 08/02/2024 4:03 pm
Full Member

Kale sauteed in a bit of butter, olive oil, salt, pepper and a splash of balsamic vinegar is very tasty.

Cabbage is very tasty sauteed in just butter.

The rest of the what you're doing is hiding how shit Kale is! 🙂

Posted : 08/02/2024 4:05 pm
scotroutes and nickc reacted
Free Member

Eat lots of celery and/or ice cubes.

Both of them have a negative calorific value.

Posted : 08/02/2024 4:16 pm
Free Member

Kale, garlic, butter, salt and a spash of white wine is a staple of our roast dinners!

Posted : 08/02/2024 4:17 pm
Full Member

Cooking kale in a way that disguises its flavour is perhaps not as compelling a reason to eat it as you think it is.

Posted : 08/02/2024 4:20 pm
leffeboy and scotroutes reacted
Full Member

So, agreed then? The best way to get rid of belly fat is have a discussion about whether Kale is in fact just animal fodder, all the while you're doing that, you're not eating!

job jobbed...

Posted : 08/02/2024 4:25 pm
Marko and simondbarnes reacted

Full Member

Kale, cabbage (maybe except Savoy 😬), cavalo Nero, greens - they're all great.

Posted : 08/02/2024 5:07 pm
Free Member

Especially Sprouts!

Posted : 08/02/2024 5:11 pm
jimmy reacted
Full Member

maybe except Savoy

What? Savoy is splendid.

Posted : 08/02/2024 5:35 pm
Full Member

Interesting thread to read while half-listening to a work webinar.

But seriously sit ups are god for belly fat, its just a hard exercise to do especially if youre going to have to do a lot of them daily.

I used to do 20 every morning, in addition to running twice a week, and had a decent enough 6-pack - but as someone else said, it was hidden under an inch or so of flab. Form is vital though: I stopped when I slipped a disc, which I think was contributed to by my (poor) situps.

Pilates can be a good one for tone; and as others have said, running is surprisingly good at shifting belly inches, especially if it involves more than just flat pavement.

Posted : 08/02/2024 5:56 pm
Full Member

Kale is full of anti nutrients, lectins and oxalates.

So are many other foods which is why they need preparation - aka cooking. The anti nutrient thing from what I have read causes issues when fed to lab rats in large quantities. In human beings, in normal quantities, it seems no great problem has been found other than some with particular medical issues, e.g. thyroid malfunction.

Posted : 08/02/2024 8:12 pm
Full Member

The kale is fairly indigestible with all that fibre so it helps cos it flushes the system pretty well

Posted : 08/02/2024 8:51 pm
Full Member

Why are you eating all that food when you probably don’t really need to?

Because I'm hungry. Not out of boredom, as a distraction or just happen to be passing the fridge, I am aware of the difference.

Posted : 09/02/2024 8:31 am
Free Member

I read somewhere, probably in a recemt New Scientist, that low bmi does not correlate with longevity in older peeps. It was surmised that oldies need some energy reserves to cope better with the shit that happens to them through illness and accident, which can result in periods of low food uptake.

Posted : 09/02/2024 8:45 am

Full Member

Ozempic is good apparently, though it's not very targeted and apparently you'll lose subcutaneous fat where you might not want to, eg. Cheeks, ocular and other facial areas - making you look haggard pretty quickly, leading to additional expense of aesthetic fillers to replump those areas

Posted : 09/02/2024 8:54 am
nickc reacted
Full Member

that low bmi does not correlate with longevity in older peeps.

Scientists are beginning to see that the new weight loss drugs (Wegovy and the like)  that are being prescribed in startling numbers to older folks in the USA (it is going to go bananas when its available through Medicaid) are causing some older folk who're not doing weight or resistance work, to loose both fat and muscle. There may be some evidence of reduced bone density. In those cases; while the disease issues related to obesity are reducing, they are facing different health issues caused by frailty.

Sometimes it giveth...

Posted : 09/02/2024 8:54 am
susepic reacted
Full Member

Grow lots of kale in the garden, it makes a fantastic pesto (might be the most middle class thing i’ve ever said after offering to smoosh, not smash, daughters avocado!)

I had way too much parsley once and made a parsley and walnut pesto.

Tasted great but there was more trumping than a brass band.

Anyway, I'm not so sure the belly fat is stubborn as much as it is inevitable for those of us in sedentary occupations - unless you've following a regime like Lambchop's above.

Posted : 09/02/2024 8:55 am
Free Member

Everyone really is different, I don't think you'll find a single solution for the masses.

The majority here seem to agree on an 'eat less, move more'=calorie deficit (abs are made in the kitchen) solution.

I had belly fat through most of my 40's (I still have a little, but I've got clearly visible abs now).  My results came by cutting out booze (over a year ago for mental health reasons).

Once I cut out alcohol I lost 2 inches off my waist in about 4 months (putting me back to a 34" waist which is what I was in my 20's and 30's), with no other changes in my life.

FYI I'm late 40's, 6'3" and weigh 85kg but want to get that to 90kg, I cycle and row for cardio, and lift weights for stress relief.

I walk my dogs an hour or 2 most days and I always aim to consume more calories than I need as I have a hard time maintaining weight, that's why I think it was only the alcohol that caused the spare tyre.

I logged my food until I became good at knowing when I've got through 3K calories each day, so I can relate to grazing on nuts and fruit in-between meals.

My 2 brothers seem to have the same metabolism, however my older brother does loads of cardio and is leaner than me, and my younger brother doesn't exercise and has a desk job and a fantastic beer gut! So genetics only get you so far!

I'd stick with what you're doing, it should work!

Posted : 09/02/2024 9:58 am
Free Member

People mentioned being pushed for time, and one of the best exercises for upperbody and core I've found, which is extremely time efficient, is the macebell.

I just do 360s with it, but it is surprising how much your core is involved, especially as you bring your feet together.

[I had a physical therapist looking at a knee problem I was having. He mentoned that he had shoulder problems from his manipulation work, so I showed im the macebell, and he was so impressed that he bought one and then he told me his shoulder problems had been fixed, and he has now recommended it to 3 of his other clients, who then bought one as well.]

And I spend a fair bit of time walking the dog, so I've just tried rucking - starting with 8Kg in my rucksack. It certainly upped my work rate going up hill (did 15 mile and 2800 ft ascent) and I enjoyed it so much I've just bought a proper ruckiing rucksack and some weight plates to do it more often to make the most use of my dog walking time.

Fundamentally I think I am someone that needs to run (although I don't enjoy it) and am waiting until I drop another stone before I start again to keep the stress off my 60 year old knees. There is something different about running vs cycling, and particularly for helping beat off depression (although it hasn't worked for the guy across the road).

Posted : 09/02/2024 12:30 pm
Full Member

IMHO that 360 Mace stuff is well mad, I can just imagine the trail of destruction that would occur if I started swinging effectively a sledge hammer around casa de DoD.

Posted : 12/02/2024 2:42 pm
Full Member

This lad was early on the maceball thing, eh?

We won't make fun of his belly fat though. That would be mean.

Posted : 12/02/2024 2:51 pm
Full Member

So after reading about the insulin thing on this thread I completely cut out eating between meals. I did reintroduce pudding in the evening and chocolate at lunchtime. Last week I noticed the love handles are definetely smaller. Something's working.

Posted : 04/04/2024 9:11 pm


52 and have visible abs - almost a six pack. Little bit of surface fat still to go. I don't over eat. Eat mostly (but not religiously) healthy. Stopped drinking. Ride my bike. Go to the gym

Posted : 04/04/2024 10:19 pm
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