Quite an outstanding lack of empathy there – well done!
Because i don't like a particular bike ? Who am i showing a lack of empathy to ?
Air Lyrics, inline shock and Exos, whats the weight of that thing Daviek?
Weeksy has said before he doesnt like bird bikes and that's fine everyone is different. As for the weight I dont know but can find out, I do know is that its heavier than my 26" Bfe though 🙂
Don't get me wrong, it's not that i don't like what Bird are doing, their pricing, their UK infrastructure, but surely it's not mandatory to 'like' them.
The frames, well, they look a bit 'early 2000s' to me. Bikes now are curving, moulding and shaping in different ways, with a bit more innovation in the looks. Sure the Birds may be cutting edge in terms of geometry, external cabling which i like and external BBs, again which i like.... But many things are sold in the first 7 seconds (according to a recent TV advert) and to me, the Bird fails in that department.
I find it slightly bizarre that a new Trek gets relased and slated on here, or a new Speciaized/Santa Cruz get ripped apart for being ugly... but somehow it's wrong for someone not to like the looks of the Bird. Is that just because Ben from Bird posts here ?
I find it slightly bizarre that a new Trek gets relased and slated on here,
If you can't see the difference between that and posting something as negative as you did about a bike someone has just bought and is excited about i can see why you'd be accused of lacking empathy.
I'm sure all Bird owners will now be selling their bikes after such an in depth review and evaluation as yours though.
It's a thing he does.
Congrats on the new bike, btw. Looks very nice.
or a new Speciaized/Santa Cruz get ripped apart for being ugly…
To be completely impartial here, specialized and SC have been making the same ugly bike for years which I think is (partly*) why they get slated so much. Don't like the 2015 Enduro, turns out you won't like the 2025 stumpy either because it looks exactly the same (I quite like the specialized aesthetic mind). Don't like the 2004 nomad, hmm you might not be keen on the 2022 one then but... We can fix that, look we changed the colour to one that makes the bike 10% more expensive this year.
FWIW I do like the utilitarian look, and I am a sucker for an ugly bike in a good colour.
@daviek on the subject of which**, what colour is that?**
*mainly they get slated for being ugly because they're expensive but clearly not paying for a design department
**good colours, not the ugly bit. I should put the spade down shouldn't I?
if our bathroom scales are to be believed its 15.9Kg for a medium frame with some old superstar pedals on it
its black, they only had the purple left when I ordered it but unlike some i like a black bike so they found one down the back of yhe sofa. didnt know what colour I was getting until I picked it up but I asked for that.
Sweet ride.
I reckon that weight is a bit over, considering the spec you've got.
If you can’t see the difference between that and posting something as negative as you did about a bike someone has just bought and is excited about i can see why you’d be accused of lacking empathy.
I’m sure all Bird owners will now be selling their bikes after such an in depth review and evaluation as yours though.
does anyone think the guy gives a monkey what i think ? This wasn't a thread about "i bought a new bike" this is a thread discussing the Bird... If someone buys a bike and i don't like it i don't post negatiely in their thread, i don't post at all in it... I leave them to be happy.
But this isn't that thread... this is a thread about discussing the Bird.
they only had the purple left when I ordered it but unlike some i like a black bike
But but but, that purple is bloody lovely!
Definitely a lack of empath there.
If someone buys a bike and i don’t like it i don’t post negatiely in their thread
Patently not true. You've done it on about 3 threads on the GT fury alone, that poor bloke is so upset he sold it then bought another of the same about 8 times now 😉
Quite an outstanding lack of empathy there – well done!
Dude, it's a bike. If someone posted saying their grandad had died and weeksy had replied saying " meh, elderly male relatives are much overrated" then yes that would be a major lack of empathy.
But saying he doesn't particularly like someone's pushbike* isn't exactly the height of evilness. 🙂
* I promise this is the first and last time I will ever use this vile word
Bird owner here (aether9). So I guess positively predisposed to the brand hence I opened the thread.
I thought about an am9 when I bought my frame last June, but decided to go for the smaller bike. If this was available at the time I might have gone for it over the aether. But probably not as was looking to fit 140mm forks I already had.
Regards aesthetics, maybe I’m less bothered or tuned in to the look of a bike but it’s about the last thing I consider… those initial 7 seconds referred to above are usually spent looking at geometry numbers and price. Brand image must play a part- is it something I’ve heard of, what’s their reputation? Etc. bird have an excellent rep. As do other brands.
I only look at my bike when I’m riding it and then I can’t see if it’s ugly or not… currently got mudhugger fitted and covered in crap from yesterday’s ride so not going to win any beauty contests!
Bike looks really capable and well setup for that area. Which will see hard use.
Mmmmm going against the grain here… but it looks well… Not very nice really. It may be exceptionally functional, effective, whatever you want… but.. It’s very Skoda Fabia in terms of looks/aesthetics. There’s nothing that jumps out and says “buy me”… Sure it may have the reach for Orangutans that many now seem to want… But meh, i’m just not jumping up and down.
Guys posts his bike and you just jump his ass? We need to jump that POS celery trek (actually skoda weiner of a bike!) that will not go away.
Personally I thought the bikes industry had mainly moved on from swoopy tubing and was more into straight tubes again nowadays.
You look at the Atherton, or most Santa Cruz, Hope HB916, or most Nukeproofs, all have pretty straight top tubes and just a bend at the BB.
I like the brid up there, I'd have the purple one though.
Guys posts his bike and you just jump his ass?
That really wasn't my intention, i wasn't actually aware of his post as it was at the top of Page2 and i replied when viewing page 1... But that doesn't change the fact it isn't a thread about his bike, it's a thread about discussing the new Bird... Not HIS bird, or someone elses Bird... but just the Bird Aeris 9... Jeepers.
FFs perleese can we just get to the elephant in the room here rather than beating up @weeksy (he is wrong by the way but that is fine) It is BLURPLE not purple!
10-4. Just banter. I would buy his bike if I could.
i havent like any previous Birds... something a bit agricultural about them that just didnt float my boat.... but i do very much like this new one. I am considering a burly long travel bike for trips abroad, bike parks etc (rather than beating up my carbon trail bike) and one of these is definitely on the list.
ticks so many boxes... LLS, great value, awesome customer service from what i hear and the best bit.... squint slightly and it looks like a Rocky Mountain Altitude.
It is BLURPLE not purple!
Apoligies, but I just couldn't bring myself to type that.
Well I wasnt expecting it to turn out like this but being STW maybe I should have?
ticks so many boxes… LLS, great value, awesome customer service from what i hear
This sums it up for me and I can confirm the customer service was very good when getting the spec right for me and a couple of changes as parts came back into stock.
Things have conspired against me today so dont think I'll even get it out for a quick lap around town but will see if I can squeeze one in as the rain has stopped and the suns made an appearance!
Things have conspired against me today so dont think I’ll even get it out for a quick lap around town but will see if I can squeeze one in as the rain has stopped and the suns made an appearance!
If you're really stuck and it needs a shakedown over the weekend...
Always happy to help 😉
If you do get out on it, please come back here and make sure you moan about it being horrible to pedal and things.
I'm pretty much sold on an aether but I can't stop looking at the aeris in blurple even though I'm pretty sure a 160 travel bike is not what I want, at all, and it'd be very dull and make me miserable and always want to do things I don't enjoy and go places I don't like, and I'd be very happy with the shorter travel much more fun and interesting aether that would like the places I like and things I like such as going up to the top of a hill.
But the blurple one, its so pretty. How could it not make me happy?!? Even though I know that colour won't age well...
I think that looks badass. (And weeksy's opinion on aesthetics is not to be trusted because he's owned plenty of Whytes! 😉 )
He doesn't like it this week, but given the volume of bike changes, he'll own one next week... 😉
Looks good to me, but I'm Function over Form...and I can't recall the last bike I thought looked bad (although there have been more ebikes I've had to look twice at as the down tube has appeared out of place being so much larger than the others), my thinking is pretty simple though - got wheels, forks, bars and saddle strapped to a frame then it is good.