looks cracking Teej. what mapping thing are you using for routes.
and not jealous in the slightest.
Speaking of wildlife, I hope you manage to avoid the sandflies.
Godless, bitey, winged bastards.
Really not feeling it today. Slogged another 40 miles to thd end of thevrail tral at Matamata. Same scenery as yesterday afternoon continued all day. Humph
The hobbiton film set is just a few miles from here but guided tours only
Moonsaballon. You have a pm
Just replied to the PM . I'm up for a ride on Saturday or Sunday if you're keen . Trip looks great so far ?
Trip looks great so far ?
Apart from no motivation today. Lovely people. Makes Canadians seem surly and unhelpful. Last night i was wandering around the town looking at google maps and a nice lady came out of a shop to ask me what i was looking for then directed me to where i could get food and beer.
Drivers are awful tho. Not agressive but dont give ypu any room on the road particularly old folk in little cars. Rednecks in utes give you more room.
Looks like waikato river trails the next couple of days
Same scenery as yesterday afternoon continued all day.
Sounds like a trip i once planned (but never did). The blogs i could find of people who had done it basically said over the first 6-10 days (it's a 3-4 week route) was just a day or day and a half of rocky lumps and moorland then a week of trees to your right, the sea to your left... And to add insult to injury, it's not even interesting trees or sea.
I once rode a .motorcycle the length of Finland. A week of pine forests
So that’s where Shergar went!
Great pics of Hobbiton. I'd like to pluck up the courage to go back to NZ one day....spent a lot of time there but the last visit was 14 years ago for my Brother's funeral, not sure I could go back.
Hope you have a great time though TJ the scenery and the people are generally brilliant.
Im only about ten miles from the town i stayed in last night. Teady for some miles tomorrow hopefully.
AA. Its tough when places have memories like that. These trips i am doing are not the ones I planned with Julie. The countries we planned to go to are off limits for now.
Next section is gonna be hilly I think. Pray to the god of the granny ring. Waikito river trails.
TJ your hair is a thing of beauty (no grey). Pls tell me that’s not a mullet :0)
Loving the pictures teej, keep them coming, much better than the winter gloom back here
Bunnyhoo. Nope it's all long but there is loads of grey. It just the top is still darkish. Underneath its grea to white.
I once rode a .motorcycle the length of Finland. A week of pine forests
😀 It was the end to end of Sweden that was being planned... So very similar!
Loving the pics mate.
How's your mental health holding up Jeremy?Other side of the world, on my own, I think I might have some anxiety. Still,judging by the photos there are some real upsides.They are certainly improving my morale.
Heads pretty good now Im actually on tbe road and being in a ( sort of) English speaking country helps.
Brains are weird
AA. Its tough when places have memories like that. These trips i am doing are not the ones I planned with Julie. The countries we planned to go to are off limits for now.
Yeah, you would think time would help, but despite the loss becoming less raw or whatever the barriers we put up just seem to get bigger...I'll smash the **** down one day.
In the meantime, grab a Waikato Draught and raise a glass to Jon the Pom for me..it tastes like knats piss but he used to like it ?
looking great, love the pictures of Hobbiton 🙂
hiding in some bushes for the night.
Is it Tuesday already?
Wonder what TJ will wake up with... Kiwi Drop bear maybe?
Sitting having my coffee waiting for an stwer to turn up to join me for the days ride.
Well that was tough. 12 miles on the trail took well over 3 hours0. Poor old moonsaballon was very patient with this slow old man. I have camped another 7 miles or so further on as the campsite near the trail end was shite. Need to make some route decisions now. Tuesday is due to piss it down so a couple of days in a hotel sounds good
Great to meet you TJ . Took me just under 2 hours to get back to the car which wasn't too bad . The deforested section was the worst with the sun .
I really enjoyed the day but I can how with a fully loaded bike that section would be hard work . I met another couple of tour riders on Shands and they were looking to bail onto the road so it's pretty tough work .
Bet it was nicer going back but i don't feel to bad about my lack of speed if it took you two hours to get back
Nice to meet you and ta for coming along.
Decisions decisions
Connection ride over to the timber trail and the timber trail itself sound great but 3 big days out. Its due to pass it down all day Tuesday.oe 3 days time. Hmm. Taupo and a comfy hotel sound a good bet. I can pick up the trails further down. Two leisurely days to a tourist town and couple of nights in a hotel sounds good.
The river trails have been good but pretty tough. Today's was beautiful and entertaining but hard work. Lots of granny gear action and too much pushing up hills. No dragging bikes thru swamps tho
And I need an effing chair
It’s a long trip, you want to enjoy it, so if you are not feeling it/want to avoid the rain then there is no point being miserable for a few days. Park the bike up, freshen up in a hotel and recharge ready to go again.
Gaddamit. I hate hills. Im in the wrong country aren't I?