Hope HB916

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Hope HB916

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That stupid BB standard was the prime reason I went for a Claymore over the HB916

Posted : 20/01/2024 6:51 pm
Free Member

It's absolutely bonkers that it doesn't have ISCG mounts 🤯

Posted : 20/01/2024 6:58 pm
Free Member

There’s a few things I’m unsure about. They’re not worth the RRP but it’s not exactly easy to pick up a used frame to try it out.

I’m seriously considering splitting mine & putting it up for sale if you are looking for a raw H3. It’s been Invisiframed from new & is immaculate.

Posted : 20/01/2024 7:16 pm
Full Member

Yeah it's a gorgeous thing but there's a few things about it that seem daft.

I wouldn't be paying for a full bike. Zero chance of that happening. I'd be buying a frame with an Ohlins coil shock and scrounging like a fiend for everything else.

Or I could just buy a used Geometron G1 because I already know it would be awesome.

Edit: beaten by 1 minute. 1st choice would be a H4 to be honest because it's almost bang on what I already have but with more travel. Get some pictures up though, and an inflation busting price to get the juices flowing.

Posted : 20/01/2024 7:17 pm
Free Member

The size might be an issue for you then, as I’m 185cm so the H3 is my ideal.



Currently got a Fast Fenix shock on it, but if you wanted to put something else on it, I can reuse it on another bike 🙂

Posted : 20/01/2024 8:03 pm
Full Member

I'm closer to 190cm. Hopefully I run into one while out and about so I can have a closer look at one in the flesh.

I'm dead set on the Ohlins coil though. The one on my Privateer 141 is mint.

Posted : 20/01/2024 8:50 pm
Full Member

I've only managed 2 rides on mine so far, but i much prefer it to the Highlander it replaced.

Gratuitous picture....

[img] [/img]

Posted : 22/01/2024 11:57 am
Full Member

That's what I'm after. Full Ohlins but with a black frame. What size is that?

If you're anywhere near Sheffield I will gratefully accept a quick test ride!

I just think it looks awesome in this picture...

Posted : 22/01/2024 2:26 pm

Full Member

Oooh look what I found. This popped up on eBay so I Googled the actual shop and found it listed £200 cheaper...


Unfortunately I'm not ready to pounce on it. I might have a serious garage clear out this weekend and if it's still there after pay day I'll sleep on it, then mention it to the Mrs, then read some more reviews, then possibly send them a message. Then start looking for a RXF38 in the sale somewhere.

I could be riding this thing by 2025.

Posted : 23/01/2024 8:38 am
Free Member

Resurrecting this as delivery of my 916 frame is imminent 🙂

Most stuff will be swapped over directly from my Spire but I'm in a dilemma over forks, currently have a Zeb with a Smashpot which is ok but not blown away. I was thinking of getting the Charger 3.1 update on it, with a service this is £565.

I've seen a couple of used Ohlins forks for not much more.

The cross roads I am at is:

  • Keep Zeb and hope new damper is as amazing as they say (or maybe have bit more patience dialling them in!)
  • 170mm RXF 36 (advertised as taken off a new bike)
  • 180mm RXF 38 (could they be run as is? or new shaft is about £150)

I keep reading the Ohlins are harsh on small bump stuff but tempted because, well matching.

I'm leaning towards the RXF36 but any thoughts?

Posted : 04/02/2025 4:35 pm
chakaping reacted
Full Member

I changed my Lyriks to 3.1 and the damper was around £250, your price seems a bit high.. Are they 2.1's currently?

Posted : 04/02/2025 5:26 pm
Full Member

Holy thread resurrection Batman. Update- I didn't buy the 916 linked above but I did end up with 2 other bikes. Oops.

I did buy an Ohlins RXF38 and I'm very happy with it. Factory recommendations for air pressure are almost bang on and I've done no other fiddling with it. It just works mint.

I keep reading the Ohlins are harsh on small bump stuff but tempted because, well matching.

Only from reviewers who don't remove the volume spacer from the negative spring chamber. It's a mystery why it's there in the first place as it's a different fork without it.

My other bike has a Lyrik Ultimate and I sorely regret selling my RXF36. The Ohlins is just so much better. So much so that I might splurge on the m3 when it comes out and tell the Mrs I found them on marketplace.

Posted : 04/02/2025 5:51 pm
Full Member

Think 180mm is a bit long. I ran mine with 170mm 36 for 18m-ish, then went to a 170mm 38. The 36 was really good, but 38 is more.

Posted : 04/02/2025 5:58 pm
Free Member

Thanks for the feedback all.

Travel reduction on the RXF 38 isn't as costly as I thought so will probably go that route

Posted : 05/02/2025 9:12 am
Full Member

Are you buying used? Check the stanchions, I've seen a few that have become quite polished.

Both mine have been fine but I'm a dad and I don't get out much. A mate at Wharny the other day had a visible silver gradient on his.

Posted : 05/02/2025 10:54 am
Free Member

Will try to thanks! (I'm very excited!)

Posted : 05/02/2025 12:11 pm
teethgrinder reacted

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