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  • What's the longest you've waited for something to turn up on the 'bay?
  • no_eyed_deer
    Free Member

    Quite frankly – it's driving me mad! I bought a nice frame, got some other bits for it… but the FORKS god damn them!! I'm after a specific model in a specific colour*… And the first week I looked on the evil fleece-bay there were TWO pairs, so naturally I thought – 'Oh well, never mind.. they must be pretty common, there'll be plenty of those knocking about later'. Nope. Nothing – everyday now for 2 months!! Perhaps I should just stop looking..(a watched pot 'n' all that).

    Any other similar tales of eBay woe..?
    * See my WTD ad in classifieds if you're curious!

    Free Member

    Set up a search, and click "save search" for what you're after. Try to include variations e.g. Rock Shox SID (race, team, world cup) will have ebay sending you an email whenever someone lists a RS SID race, or team or world cup)


    Free Member

    wheres that thread about annoying things, "the bay" it's bloody EBAY.
    aswell as people who say "the bridge" meaning stamford bridge.

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