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  • Thieving little b*stards…
  • itchy
    Free Member

    Just been outt to the garage to swap saddles on one of the bikes and seen a bloke on next doors roof trying to nick the lead from around his chimney stack – cheeky little sh*t. Ran around the front but he’d f*cked off with his mate before I got there – what is this world coming to??

    Full Member

    Theres been a few porches and low stuff round here been targeted-never seem to get away with it just make a mess-hasnt the cost of scrap gone t#ts up tho? so why bother the thieving scumbag pikey b45tards!!!

    Free Member

    why there can’t be more than five quids worth of lead there can there?

    Full Member

    Metal thief round our way go more than he bargained for last week.

    Free Member

    we had some irish b@sterds (no offence you irish out there just a small minority) came up our drive offering to re-tarmac it you could see it had just been done 2 weeks before came back the next day from school and relised that the trailer was missing along with the lawn tractor and a load of steel sheets an bars from mi yard the guard dog must have scared them off (my mums shlt face terrier)

    Free Member

    Taka, where do you live mate – it’s not keighley is it?

    Free Member

    well sorta oxenhope nr keighley

    Free Member

    About as close as me at the moment – Crosshills.

    Free Member

    nice u ever been up flasby fell?

    Free Member

    Not for a long time mate. Tend to go to Appletreewick, but over the last couple of years have travelled to do the various Trail Centre’s. Llandegla was only 1 1/2 hours travel last Sunday and Dalby virtually the same. Don’t mind a bit of XC but as I age gravity seems to become a bit of a problem!

    Free Member

    what is this world coming to??

    It’s nothing new really, thieving has been around for a long time – including thieving for lead.

    Free Member

    I know mate, just didn’t expect to see someone on next doors roof!

    Free Member

    u know them rocks halfway down to flasby? mi m8 faceplanted them n smashed his face up got a vid of it aswell

    Free Member

    didn’t expect to see someone on next doors roof!

    True – in the good ol’ days they just targeted church roofs.
    I guess the recession is now effecting all areas of ‘economic activity’


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