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  • Speed awareness course, what to expect?
  • trail_rat
    Free Member

    “And on NSL’s it seems far too many drivers have settled into 45-50mph, probably just to keep in front of the trucks?”

    ever thought that its you that could be the unsafe one there ? just because its NSL doesnt mean 60 has to be done at all costs. wont be the first time ive had cars go zooming by me only to spray their front end across the road using a deer as a blunt instrument.

    Free Member

    Used the A34 recently trail rat?
    Guessing not otherwise that statement wouldn’t have been made.
    The number of f***wits that will sit at 54-5mph and not move is ridiculous.
    They will then pull out just as the trucks are slowing down uphill and not accelerate past but remain at 54mph.
    Considering its a 70mph NSL for the entire length other than the 2 50mph section (ignoring the roadworks).
    However these same drivers will go through the 50 limit at 55.
    They are actually more dangerous and frustrating than those who don’t know how to maintain a constant speed.
    The Muppets who will come past at 90 then slow to 65, then 75 then 55 then….
    And theres no reason to it or a particular Make/type either before anyone starts that one.
    The standard of driving really is abysmal but to police that takes resources, cars, officers – not cameras.
    The amount of times you watch them all anchor up because theres something up ahead with chevrons on it so they all sit at 58 in the outside lane…
    Not one of them realising its 70 and that vehicle with chevrons on is actually a fiesta van or the fact the RTA and the Highway Code both state “keep left unless overtaking”… FFS! even the Matrix have that splashed across regularly on that road AND the M40 but seems we have a nation of drivers with severe dyspraxia 🙄

    Full Member

    The number of f***wits that will sit at 54-5mph and not move is ridiculous.

    Well you do know it’s a maximum limit not a minimum…

    However these same drivers will go through the 50 limit at 55.

    ah. f***wits it is then

    Free Member

    and there goes the issue …. you have the same speedlimit on the a34 – where ever that takes you (hell maybe by the sounds of it) and jimmy thinks he can do that self same speed on the singletrack NSL road outside my house – and wonders why their are tractors on it.

    good radio campaign on up here atm.

    “things you miss if you go round a corner too fast”

    “a parked car – a tree down – being an uncle – getting a promotion – etc etc…”

    and theres a similar one that just does the sound effects.

    coupled with driving a classic car – makes you think about just what is a safe speed.

    Free Member

    nealglover, I’ll happily go on a course if I get caught and sent on one. Honestly, I will, I won’t whine about it, and I’ll hope to learn something. Until then, I’ll continue driving in my own incompetent manner which has somehow miraculously managed to avoid any significant incident for almost 30y.

    Free Member

    I can see how it might make someone a more careful driver in the short-term.
    But I’m sure most people fall back into old habits after a month.
    You need to shock ’em. Like at my primary school, where they took us to the local police station for a “tour”, which involved being locked in a cell and shown the preserved human hand which had been chopped off in some criminal incident many moons before.
    And I’ve not been back since!

    Free Member

    25 years driving with no points and never done for speeding

    What do I win?

    WHat influenced me most was a copper speaking when he said they wanted to make speeding as antisocial as drink driving was

    40 years ago no one cared about drink driving just like no one cares about speeding as we all do it.

    Full Member

    so who here has not had points/speed awareness course/done for speeding?

    Me, 30 years of driving, never had a point.

    Full Member

    Well it went OK. Instructors were good natured and reasonably entertaining and I learnt some stuff. There weren’t any complete **** on the course, so that was good.

    I’m still on a paper licence only as I’ve not moved house for nearly 20 years. I had to take my passport along to prove my identity 🙂

    Free Member

    nealglover, I’ll happily go on a course if I get caught and sent on one. Honestly, I will, I won’t whine about it, and I’ll hope to learn something. Until then, I’ll continue driving in my own incompetent manner which has somehow miraculously managed to avoid any significant incident for almost 30y.

    You sound quite defensive. I wasn’t criticising you.

    Simply pointing out that people who have been driving a long time (me included) get complacent. And that is what the course is good at curing.

    I’ve been driving 25 years, and I do almost five times the average mileage every year, so I’ve got “125 years” years of driving 🙂

    and only one incident (sp50 six years ago, did the course) which was excellent, and genuinely changed the way I drive every day.

    Free Member

    My Fiesta is more controllable in 3rd gear @ 30 mph than using 4th at that speed.

    Makes it easier to keep smooth if you need to drop 5 mph or so if someone’s turning or you need to slow to let someone thorough etc. Saves constantly going 3-4 th.

    I teach it that way and have never had any problems. In fact, it’s better for example if the student is leaving a 40 mph and going down to a 30 mph, after they have slowed gearing down to 3rd confirms to the examiner that they have seen the speed limit change and have not just slowed for no reason

    Free Member

    willyboy – Member
    My Mrs went on one and from the course taught me ‘3rd gear in a 30’ – it works surprisingly well.

    Can they teach my car that? It’s often in 7th at 30mph.

    Full Member

    The fact that so many people say that the course was excellent and they learnt some stuff just shows how beneficial periodic re-tests would be.

    Full Member

    .Stoner – Member
    so who here has not had points/speed awareness course/done for speeding?

    Hello. 24 years of driving, personal, work and professional. I had a parking ticket in Carlisle once – I parked on the end of a row, and car next door was waaay over the line, so I had half a tyre on line, half over.

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